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I. Test 1
Instruction: You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 sections. Write all your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the real test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Now turn to Section 1.
1. Section 1
Look at questions 1-4. For each of the questions, decide which picture, A, B, C or D is the best answer and circle the letter in your book. First, have another look at questions 1-4.
Now you will hear the recording. Listen carefully and circle the appropriate letter for each question.
A: Hello. I am a new student here.
B: Hello. What can I do for you?
A: Can you tell me what the Student Union does?
B: Well, we're part of the National Union of students, who represents students' interests across the country. We provide services for all students at this college. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng "represent" tiếng anh
A: What kind of services?
B: There are advisors and welfare staff, entertainments, sports clubs, union societies, meetings, campaigns, and special interest groups. We offer everything from ballroom dancing to karate, jazz, and political debates.
A: Sounds great. How can you help overseas students?
B: As I've said, we have welfare officers who are used to the sort of problems overseas students may have. They know where to get advice on a particular situation, or basically, give whatever help is asked for.
A: I am from the Philippines and I hope I can meet other Filipino students who are here. I play chess and many sports, especially badminton, basketball and wrestling. Please can you tell me how to find out about these things?
B: There is a Filipino society at the college. Regular meetings take place and lots of social activities are organized, such as meals, plays and dances. The Society is made up of Filipino students and other students who have an interest in the Philippines.
A: And what about the sports? Does the Union offer the ones I'm interested in?
B: Yes, we do. There are basketball and wrestling teams. If you want to play in one of the college teams, you have to go along to training sessions and compete for a place. For badminton, you can either go to the badminton club or book a court to play with friends.
A: Is there also a chess club or team?
B: No, I'm afraid not. It may be best for you to put a notice on our notice board to find other players.
A: Will that cost me anything?
B: No. It's a free service available to all students, but you have to give your notice to a Union officer first, so that it's fair for everyone who wants to use the notice board.
A: I only have a room for one month at the moment. I need to find a house or a flat to live in near the college. Are you able to help me with any accommodation problems?
B: There are always rooms available in shared flats or houses on our notice board. The college has some of its own accommodation and you can also apply for these. If you have any problems at all you should talk to one of the Student Union's welfare officers, who can give specialist advice on accommodation.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: You are welcome. Now would you mind helping us? We're conducting a survey to learn more about the students who visit our Union office, so that we can improve our services. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
A: Not at all.
Now look at questions 5-10.
As you listen to the student's conversation with the Union officer, fill in spaces 5-10 on the form. First, you have some time to look at the form.
Now listen carefully and fill in gaps 5-10.
Officer: Now would you mind helping us? We're conducting a survey to learn more about the students who visit our Union office, so that we can improve our services. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions? >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng động từ "improve" tiếng anh
Caesar: Not at all.
Officer: First of all, what is your name?
Caesar: My name is Caesar Bautisto.
Officer: How do you spell your last name?
Caesar: B-A-U-T-I-S-T-O.
Officer: Thank you. And what are you studying?
Caesar: Development Economics.
Officer: I see. And how long is the course for?
Caesar: One year. It's a post-graduate diploma.
Officer: What would you like to do at the end of it? Have you made your mind up yet?
Caesar: Yes. I'd like to be a United Nations project adviser.
Officer: Oh, would you? That sounds interesting. Tell me, though, why have you chosen this university?
Caesar: It's got a good reputation in the field of economics.
Officer: And you say you come from the Philippines.
Caesar: Yes, that's right.
Officer: And which city do you come from?
Caesar: Manila.
Officer: Oh, that's the city. I've always wanted to go to. What do you do in your spare time?
Caesar: I go to play games. I love sports.
Officer: Ah, yes. You mentioned that. Basketball, badminton, and wrestling, wasn't it?
Caesar: Yes, that's right.
Officer: OK, that's it. l'II add your name to our mailing list. We appreciate your help with this survey. If you have any suggestions, be sure to give us a call or drop by at any time.
Caesar: All right, I will. Thank you. Bye.
Officer: Bye.
That is the end of Section 1. Now you will have 30 seconds to check your answers.
That's the end of Section 1. Now turn to Section 2.
2. Section 2
The next day Caesar goes to the Welfare Office. You will hear a conversation between Caesar and a welfare officer. As you listen, answer questions 11-20. First you have some time to look at questions 11-20.
Now, listen carefully to the conversation between Caesar and a welfare officer and answer questions 11-20.
Caesar: Good afternoon. My name's Caesar Bautisto.
Wendy: Hello. I'm Wendy—one of the welfare officers. Can I help you?
Caesar: Yes. I have to move out of my accommodation in two weeks and I can't find anywhere else to live.
Wendy: Okay. I'll need to know some details about your current situation.
Caesar: I'm an overseas student, from the Philippines. The college gave me a temporary room for one month. I can' t find anywhere else and I have no money.
Wendy: Have you told the college about your position or asked them to let you stay longer in your accommodation.
Caesar: No, not yet. I didn't think that would be possible.
Wendy: Well, we can contact the accommodation service on your behalf to see if they'll let you stay a little longer, until you find an alternative.
Caesar: Thank you. But I'm not sure that I can find another place, as they all ask for money before moving in and I don't have any.
Wendy: Yes, it is usual in this country for landlords to ask for up to a month's rent in advance. Don't you have any money at all?
Caesar: Hardly any. I'm waiting for my grant cheque to be sent from the Philippines at the moment. It should have been here for me to collect when I arrived in Britain, but it seems to have been lost.
Wendy: You can apply for an emergency loan from the Union if you want. The loan can be for up to £200, and we ask for a post-dated cheque for the same amount to be given to us so that we can recover the money once you receive your grant cheque.
Caesar: That would be very good. I'll apply, but I'm still worried about how to find new accommodation.
Wendy: As I said earlier, we can ask the college to extend the time you are allowed to stay in your present accommodation. They may refuse, of course.
Caesar: Then what will happen?
Wendy: If the worst comes to the worst, the Union may be able to provide some very short-term emergency accommodation. If you want me to, I'll contact one or two of the addresses on the notice-board and arrange for you to visit them.
Caesar: But what if they ask me for the rent in advance? I only have £90 left and I need that for food and books.
Wendy: It'll be all right. By the time they actually need the money, we'll have your emergency loan ready. Just fill in this application form and write me a cheque for £200 please, payable to the Student Union.
Caesar: Right. I'll do that. Thank you very much for your help. I'm feeling more optimistic now.
That is the end of Section 2. You will have 30 seconds to check your answers.
That's the end of Section 2. Now turn to Section 3.
3. Section 3
You will hear a Student Union officer's speech. First, you have some time to look at questions 21-30.
Now, as you listen, answer questions 21-30.
Hi, there!
May I wish you a very warm welcome to Ealing College and, more especially, to the Student Union. The Student Union is run by four sabbatical officers, of which I am one. As the president, I am charged with the overall day-to-day running of the Union itself, according to established policies within the Constitution. We also have a brilliant staff team who help us and you'll meet them when you have five minutes to drop in and see us.
The last year has seen the Student Union grow from incorporating a bar and a few officers with a small shop into being a thriving concern, which controls, to its credit, two bars, a cafe-bar or restaurant, a shop, a comprehensive welfare department and numerous offices.
All this has been achieved by sheer hard work and dedication on the part of last year's sabbatical team and staff, who overcame many obstacles and teething problems, but won through in the end. This year, our aims as a team will be to consolidate on what has already been achieved and to secure the future of the Union.
With the new post of Vice-president Social and Communications, our main emphasis will be on communications within the College, which has always proved a problem in the past, but one which we hope to improve upon this year. One way will be with the regular publication of a Student Union magazine, so all you budding journalists, come on down.
We are very aware that a lot of you have never had any contact with Student Unions before and don't know what they are or what they can do for you. So basically, here's a quick run down. If you have any problems at all, either when you start college or throughout your time here, don't hesitate to drop in the SU office in the North Building and see Pat, our office assistant. She will be able to help you with most of your day-to-day general enquiries, or if she can't, she will direct you to one of our staff who can.
Myself and the other three vice presidents are here every day, and if you need to see us, just fix a time with Pat and we'll be only too happy to help you. By the way, queries or problems can range from a late grant cheque, finding a place to live and academic matters, right through to the best places to eat, directions to the bar, or somebody blocking you in the car park. We'll give any thing our best shot. Cách dùng từ direct như động từ
Please remember while you're at Ealing that going to college is not just about education. Make sure you enjoy yourself as well because, believe me, time will fly once you're here.
Ealing is a really good place to live as there is lots to see and do, and don't forget the Metropolis of Central London is only twenty minutes away by tube. Finally, the Student Union is an organization run by students for students, so if there is anything you don't agree with or you have any new ideas, please come along to the Union General Meetings and don't be afraid to speak up. Or you could give up a little of your time and stand for the Executive Committee, which is made up of students who help us out with lots of interesting things.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sabbaticals of the last two years who have worked so hard. My very special thanks goes to Winston, Martin and Peter and all the staff who not only did a great job, but have been my good friends as well.
Lots of luck and success for your year at Ealing. Work hard, but play hard as well.
That is the end of Section 3. Now you will have 30 seconds to check your answers.
That's the end of Section 3. Now turn to Section 4.
4. Section 4
You will hear a speech by the Student Union vice president for finance. As you listen to the speech, fill in the gaps numbered 31-35 and answer questions 36-38 by writing a T if the information is true, an F if the information is false or a question mark if the information is insufficient. First you will have some time to look at questions 31-35 as well as questions 36-38.
Now you will hear the speech.
Hello. As VP Finance, my job is to oversee the spending of our grant to ensure that all areas of Student Union activity run efficiently and smoothly, without any financial headaches.
I have a thoroughly efficient finance team—Ursula, Ella and Henryk. We are all here to help you as best as we can. Remember that even though I administer the Union's finances, it is ultimately you who have the final say in expenditure policy either directly, through the democratic process of the General Meetings, or by voicing your opinions through the Executive Finance Committee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank last year's VP Finance, Martin Currie, for his excellent work in improving the financial running of the Union to what it is today.
Finally, remember to enjoy yourself and to use the Union facilities and services to the full. And if you're still not satisfied, come and let us know why. Extra note: In order to maximise my time as VP Finance and to give a more efficient service to students, the Finance Office will only be open to students from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The Cashiers Office will be open from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm daily.
That is the end of Section 4 and you will have 30 seconds to check your answers.
That is the end of Section 4 and of the listening test.
II. Test 2
Instruction: You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 sections. Write all your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the real test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Now turn to Section 1.
1. Section 1
In Section 1 you will listen to an interview about the homestay programme between a coordinator and three students. As you listen, fill in the missing information in the chart. If a student's experience in the first homestay is positive and very good, make two ticks. If it's ok, make one tick. If it's not good and then are negative feelings, make a cross. Look at the example and questions 1-8.
Now you will hear the interview for Section 1 and fill in the form as you listen because you will hear the recording once only. First, have another look at questions 1-8.
Now you will hear the interview. Listen carefully and fill in the form.
John: Hi, Fumi. Come in. How are things?
Fumi: Ok.
John: Hi, Linda and Ali. How are you?
Ali: Fine, thanks.
John: Well, as I explained on the telephone, I'm a coordinator of the Homestay Programme here, at the Student Services Section of the University and I'm doing a survey on host families to help me draw up a guide for new students. So I'd be grateful if you could tell me about your own experience on the Homestay Programme.
Fumi: Right.
Ali: Good idea.
John: Now, Fumi, let's start with you, OK? How long have you been staying with your host family?
Fumi: It's about three months now since I came from Japan.
John: What do you like about your host family?
Fumi: Oh, they are very nice to me and give me freedom to do what I want. I feel quite safe there, just like at home.
John: Do you like the food there?
Fumi: Yes, I love Canadian food. I always want to try new things.
John: It sounds good. Is your experience a positive one for the Homestay Programme?
Fumi: Yes, I think this homestay programme is very good and it really provides an opportunity for cultural exchange between Canadians and International students.
John: Thank you, Fumi. We will come back to you in a minute. Linda, I'd like to ask you some questions. You have been here for about a year and a half. Is that right?
Linda: Actually it' s about two years since I left Beijing in 2003.
John: What do you think about the programme?
Linda: The Homestay Programme? The programme itself is quite good. But, it really depends on the individual host family. My first host family was quite a nice family, especially the first two weeks. They took me to the bank, shopping center and did many things for me, but I had a problem later.
John: What was the problem?
Linda: My biggest problem was the food. It was awful. They provided me with sandwiches for breakfast and lunch, and they liked to eat raw vegetables and not fully cooked meat for supper. I was not used to their food and sometimes I felt sick. I had stomach problems for quite a long time.
John: I see. I'm sorry to hear that.
Linda: So after 3 months I moved out and now I live with two other students in a student house.
John: Well, Linda, if the food was changed to what you like, would you stay in that family?
Linda: Sure, I would.
John: I see. What about you, Ali? You come from Japan?
Ali: No. I come from Korea.
John: I'm sorry. Ali, how long have you been in Canada?
Ali: About eight months.
John: Do you enjoy staying here?
Ali: Yes. It's a nice place and a very good college.
John: What do you think about the Homeastay Programme?
Ali: I quite agree with Linda. The programme is good. The host family is different. And if you are lucky, you may get a good one. But the first one I stayed with was really terrible.
John: Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. Could you tell me a little more about it?
Ali: Yes. My first host parents seemed very busy. They usually came back home at about 10 in the evening so I would be hungry until they came back.
John: Did they leave some food for you when they came back late?
Ali: No, never, they didn't. They didn't allow me to cook in the kitchen, which was a house rule.
John: That's odd. What about your room? Was it comfortable?
Ali: No, it wasn't. I'd say it was awful. Their dogs often slept in my bed. I complained quite a bit about the dogs. But they were not sorry that the dogs were in my room because my room used to be their dog's room.
John: I'm very sorry to hear that. Did you tell this to anyone in the office?
Ali: Yes, I did. So I was moved out and changed to the host family where I stay now.
John: Are you happy with the new host family now?
Ali: Yes, I'm very happy now. They are nice and very considerate and often help me with my homework.
John: How about the food?
Ali: It's good and often served on time.
John: Good for you. Thank you very much.
That's the end of Section 1. You will have 30 seconds to check your answers. Now turn to Section 2.
2. Section 2
In this section, you will hear a conversation between two students. As you listen to the conversation, fill in the gaps numbered 9-15, and answer questions 16-20 by writing a T if the information is true, an F if the information is false, and an N if the information is not given. First look at questions 9-20.
Now listen to the conversion and do questions 9-20.
Tom: Hi, Marti. What did you think of the lecture?
Marti: It was really good. I enjoyed it very much. By the way, how are you doing with your European studies tutorial paper?
Tom: Oh, good. I have just finished it actually. I need to do something different tonight. What are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out with me?
Marti: Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I have to work late tonight.
Tom: What for?
Marti: Well, I have to finish my paper and prepare my presentation for tomorrow.
Tom: Ah, I see. What's your presentation topic?
Marti: Well, after some consideration I decided to talk about Napoleon.
Tom: Oh, that's an interesting topic. Napoleon is one of my favourite characters, too. Have you got time for a cup of coffee? You can tell me about it as a sort of practice.
Marti: That would be great.
Tom: Now, tell me about Napoleon. I know he used to be a French soldier and very quickly he became emperor of France. Do you know when he was born?
Marti: Yes. He was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. And when he was only ten years old, his father sent him to a military school in France.
Tom: Was he a brilliant student at school?
Marti: No, he wasn't, but he excelled in mathematics and military science. And then, when he was sixteen years old, he joined the French army.
Tom: Oh, I didn't know he joined the army that young.
Marti: His military career brought him fame, power and riches, but, finally, defeat. Napoleon became a general in the French army at the age of twenty-four. Several years later he became emperor of the French Empire.
Tom: Do you know when he became an emperor?
Marti: Yes. On May 18, 1804 he became emperor of France and the coronation ceremony was held at Notre Dame on the 2nd of December. He was only 35 that year. He was really many things. But he was, first of all, a brilliant military leader. His soldiers were ready to die for him.
Tom: Yes, he was really short too. Of course, Napoleon had so many military victories so his size wasn't an issue.
Marti: You are right. At one time he controlled most of Europe.
Tom: Yes, but at that time many countries, including England, Russia, and Austria, fought fiercely against Napoleon.
Marti: Right. His defeat came when he decided to attack Russia. In this military campaign into Russia, he lost most of his army. Shortly after his defeat, his abdication followed at waterloo, and then he tried to escape to America but he failed. He finally surrendered to the British government and then they exiled him to St. Helena Island.
Tom: I know his last years were spent there with a few chosen comrades. Do you know how old he was when he died?
Marti: He lived there until he died. He died in 1821 when he was only fifty-one years old. He died alone, deserted by his family and his friends.
Tom: Well, that's a pretty sad way to end the life. Well, Marti, I'm sure your presentation will be really good. You know, you could also give the chronological order of his life and this may help your classmates to follow your presentation.
Marti: Yes, that' s a good suggestion. Thank you, Tom.
Tom: You are welcome. I have to go now. I have another lecture to attend. Good luck.
Marti: Thank you. You have been really great help. I'm sorry that I can' t come out with you this evening, but have a nice time. Bye.
Tom: Bye.
That's the end of Section 2. You will have 30 seconds to check your answers. Now turn to Section 3.
3. Section 3
In Section 3 you will hear a talk on ocean spills. As you listen to the talk, circle the appropriate letter for questions 21-23 and complete the statements numbered 24-30 by writing no more than three words in the spaces provided. First, you' II have some time to look at questions 21-30.
Now listen to the talk and do questions 21-30.
Good morning, everyone. Today I will talk about unusual ocean spills that have occurred in the world's oceans.
In November of 1992, people at beaches in Canada and Alaska noticed something strange: blue turtles, red beavers, green frogs, and yellow ducks came bobbing toward them. They soon found out where the strange creatures were coming from.
A ship from Hong Kong was on its way to Tacoma, Washington, when it was hit by a severe storm in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. During the storm, huge waves washed 12 containers overboard. Inside the containers were 29,000 plastic bath toys. One of the containers opened, and thousands of plastic bath toys spilled out and began to float across the Pacific Ocean. Ten months later, the first yellow ducks arrived on the North American shore. Beach-combers along the shore began to find the toys and reported them to local newspapers. But the people who were most excited by the plastic toys were the oceanographers. It gave them an opportunity to study ocean currents and winds; oceanographers drop bottles into the ocean to study these things. But it would be too expensive to drop 29,000 bottles into the ocean at once. Image the value of studying the plastic ducks and frogs. These give some interesting information for the oceanographers.
The first toys were picked up in Sitka, Alaska, ten months after they were washed off the ship. Some headed back into the North Pacific, while others drifted around the Arctic Ocean and headed for the North Atlantic. Many of the toys were swept northeast by the wind and were frozen in the ice of the Bering Sea. They are expected to cross the North Pole and float on down to the British Isles.
This reminds me of another unusual ocean spill. In 1990, a ship traveling to the West Coast of the United States from Korea was caught in a severe storm. The waves swept 21 containers of Nike shoes into the water. Scientists estimate that about 80,000 running, jogging, and hiking shoes, 40,000 pairs of shoes to you and me hit the water at once. The shoes were for men, women, and children.
About six months later, people at beaches from Oregon to British Columbia began to find running shoes washed ashore. By the end of the year, Washington newspapers reported people finding hundreds of shoes. In Seattle, thousands of shoes floated to shore. Since the shoes were not attached, they arrived one at a time. The shoes were dirty, but after they were washed they were still in good condition. People set up exchanges to find matches for their shoes.
Oceanographers studied the information to learn more about the ocean. Some Nike shoes reached Hawaii. Others went to the Philippines and Japan. According to the scientists, some of the shoes are on a trip around the world and should end up back in Washington and Origon. Can you believe it? Many pairs of running shoes as well as plastic ducks and frogs are still on their ocean journey. So if you go to a beach anywhere in the world, don' t be surprised if you see a green plastic frog or a woman's size 7 jogging shoe bobbing toward you. So keep your eyes out so you may find free bath toys and even a new pair of shoes. Thank you for attending my lecture.
That's the end of Section 3. You will have 30 seconds to check your answers. Now turn to Section 4.
4. Section 4
In this section you will hear a talk about chocolate. As you listen complete the notes below by writing no more than three words in the spaces numbered 31-38 and circle the appropriate letter far questions 39-40. First, you will have 30 seconds to look at this section.
Now listen to the talk and do questions 31-40.
Good morning, everyone. Today my talk is going to be about chocolate. I' m going to talk a little bit about the history of chocolate. But first m going to tell you a story about Julia Procter.
She eats her favorite food; she feels guilty. She knows that chocolate has a lot of fat and sugar. But Julia says she is addicted to chocolate. And once she starts eating it, she can't stop. Julia isn't the only one who is addicted to chocolate. It is a favorite food for people all over the world. And in a survey of 16 different countries, people preferred chocolate to ice-cream, cakes, and cookies. In the United States, chocolate is a £10 billion industry. For Valentine's Day, for example, people spend over £400 million on chocolate. The idea of eating chocolate didn't begin until the 19th century. Before that, people drank chocolate. The custom began in Central America, where the Aztecs drank bowls of chocolate to stay alert. When the liquid chocolate was brought to Spain in the 1500s, people thought it was medicine because it tasted bitter, like other medicines. In fact, the people who made chocolate into drinks were either druggists or doctors. Then people discovered that mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink. King Fedinand of Spain loved this drink so much that he put out an order: Anyone who talked about chocolate outside the court would be killed. So for about 100 years, chocolate was a secret in Spain.
But finally, people found out about chocolate, and it became a popular drink throughout Europe. In the 1800s, a British chocolate maker discovered a way to make chocolate smooth and velvety, then the Swiss added milk to the chocolate. Today, most Americans prefer milk chocolate, while most Europeans prefer dark chocolate.
Now research shows that chocolate is actually good for us because chocolate has a variety of vitamins and minerals. And it has more than 300 different chemicals. One chemical works on the part of the brain that feels pleasure. People who feel good when they eat chocolate are actually healthier, because feeling pleasure is important for health and can protect against illness. Good chocolate doesn't have much fat or sugar. You can enjoy it if you "eat a little at a time". So thinking about Julia Procter who I mentioned at the beginning, if you just eat a little at a time, that isn't a big problem. That's the end of my talk today on chocolate.
That's the end of Section 4. You will have 30 seconds to check your answers. That's the end of the listening test.
III. Test 3
Instruction: You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 sections. Write all your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the real test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Now turn to Section 1.
1. Section 1
You will hear a conversation between a foreign student and the accommodation secretary of the college at which he has enrolled. Listen to the conversation between the student and the accommodation secretary, and complete the accommodation table. Write no more than three words or numbers for each answer.
Look at questions 1-9 now. You will see that there is an example which has been done for you on the accommodation table. The conversation relating to this will be played first.
Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. First, you have another chance to look at questions 1-9.
Now listen carefully and answer questions 1-9.
Student: Excuse me, is this the accommodation office?
Secretary: Yes, it is.
Student: Hi. My name is... um... Wolfgang. I... I'm a new student here. I'm wondering if you can tell me some information about the housing arrangements at this college?
Secretary: Yes, certainly. Well, I mean... basically there are two types of ... um... accommodation. The most popular is... um, the college accommodation... but also we offer accommodation with local families.
Student: You mean a kind of homestay?
Secretary: Yes, that' s right.
Student: Well, let me.. can I... do you mind if I ask you a few questions about both of them? Let me start with the college accommodation. Um... what kind of rooms are they?
Secretary: Well, there are basically two types of room, either a single or a twin study bedroom. So that's...
Student: I'd have a roommate, then?
Secretary: That's right, yes. So it's two people sharing a room.
Student: Do all of the rooms have their own bathrooms?
Secretary: Erm... they don't. You... you... have to share... um, a bathroom and a toilet... and showers with a group of rooms. So it's with about six to eight other students.
Student: I see. Well, is it... can I wash my hands and so on, in the room or... ?
Secretary: Er... yes, there is a washbasin in the rooms.
Student: But if I want to use the toilet or take a shower I have to go down the hall?
Secretary: That's right, yes.
Student: Oh, I see. Well, well... that sounds fine. What about bedding? Is er... is that provided by the college or... ?
Secretary: Yes, yes, it is. Um... so all die bed linen is supplied...
Student: And the towels?
Secretary: No. So you have to bring your own towels with you.
Student: Oh... uhuh. Well, if I... then... to wash my towels, is there a place where I can go to do that or... ?
Secretary: Yes, yes. So... um... there are two accommodation buildings in the college and both of these have launderettes.
Student: I'm sorry, they have a what?
Secretary: They have launderettes. So these are places... um... where you can take your washing and there are washing machines...
Student: Oh, is... is it free or... ?
Secretary: Er, no. They're coin-operated washing machines...
Student: Oh. So I use the coins to make the machine work.
Secretary: Uhuh, yes, that's right.
Student: Oh, OK. That sounds fine.
Secretary: And the... the... rooms are actually cleaned... um... every week and the bed-linen is changed, also at the same time.
Student: Oh, that's wonderful. That sounds fine. Um... if I... if I do decide to stay in the... in the dormitory, I'm going to want to... er... have a chance to watch television. I want to use TV to practise my English. Is there a TV in the room?
Secretary: Well, no, there isn't a TV in every room... um... but there is a common room which has... um... a colour TV in it, and some kind of sitting areas so students can meet together and they can watch TV.
Student: Oh, well, that sounds fine.
Secretary: Uhuh... and, oh, but actually there's also a large hall for films and discos, and kind of parties and other social occasions.
Student: Oh, well, that sounds very good. That sounds interesting. I may want to do that, but before I decide for sure, let me ask about the other possibility. I think you said there's a kind of homestay programme, is that right?
Secretary: Yes, that's right. So we select local families who... um... want to have students staying with them for short periods.
Student: Hmm... well, that sounds interesting. How do I... er... how does that work? Do I eat there every day and. .. and sleep there as well, and so on?
Secretary: Oh, well, basically there're... there're two kinds... um...of accommodation available here... so... um... The first one is half board so this is where... um... you just eat breakfast and evening dinner with the family.
Student: Oh, and then lunch I would have on campus?
Secretary: That's right, yes. So that's... that's during the week, but at weekends you'll have all your meals...
Student: All the meals there... ?
Secretary: ... With the... yeah... with the family. Um... so that 's...
Student: The other one was...
Secretary: Uhuh. So that was half board. The... the other one is bed and breakfast. So this is where you just have breakfast with the family, seven days a week. So that includes weekends.
Student: And then I would have the lunch and dinner on campus. Is that how it'd work?
Secretary: That's right, yes. So it's just breakfast.
Student: Well, now that I think about it, I wonder if maybe that might not... not be the better option for me. That way I would have a chance to be practising my English with the British family. I... yes, I think I'll sign up for that. I'm pretty much sure that's what I want to do right now. Is it OK to go ahead and sign up immediately?
Secretary: OK, yes, yes, that's fine. Right, let me just see if I can find the forms.
That's the end of Section 1. You'll have 30 seconds to check your answers. Now turn to Section 2.
2. Section 2
You'll hear the second part of the conversation between the foreign student and the secretary. Fill in the form as you listen. Now look at questions 10-20.
As the talk continues, fill in the form as you listen and answer questions 10-20.
Student: I think I'll sign up for that. I'm pretty much sure that's what I want to do right now. Is it OK to go ahead and sign up immediately?
Secretary: OK, yes, yes, that's fine. Right, let me just see if I can find the forms. OK, right... so your name is...?
Student: My name is Wolfgang Schmidt. That's Wolfgang...
Secretary: Wolfgang? OK, how do you spell that?
Student: W-O-L-F-G-A-N-G.
Secretary: OK... G-A-N-G... uhuh.
Student: And my last name is Schmidt.
Secretary: Schmidt, ahah...
Student: S-C-H-M-I-D-T.
Secretary: S-C-H-M-I-D-T. And your address?
Student: You mean in Germany?
Secretary: Yes... yes, your home address.
Student: Ah... it's Franz Dieter Strausse.
Secretary: Oh, how do you spell that?
Student: That's F-R-A-N-Z...
Secretary: F-R-A-N-Z... we say "Zed" in Britain.
Student: Oh. I'm sorry—zed, yes, F-R-A-N-Z, and the next word is Dieter. That's D-I-E-T-E-R.
Secretary: Uhuh... and...
Student: And the last word is Strausse.
Secretary: Strausse, so that's S-T...
Student: S-T-R-A-U-S-S-E.
Secretary: ... S-S-E.
Student: Franz Dieter Strausse, number five.
Secretary: Number five... uhuh...
Student: In Bonne...
Secretary: Right, and that's Germany, obviously.
Student: Germany, uhuh.
Secretary: And your age?
Student: I'm 20... I'm sorry... no... I just turned 21 yesterday.
Secretary: Oh, really? Happy birthday.
Student: Thank you.
Secretary: Uhuh... OK... and the programme that you're in?
Student: I'm on the four-month programme, so I'll be staying here until the end of December.
Secretary: Right. And so you have any special dietary requirements?
Student: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean...
Secretary: Ah, is... is there any kind of special food that you... you need or that you don't eat?
Student: Oh, no. I like to eat most anything ... um...
Secretary: Oh, that's just as well with British food.
Student: I don't think so. I'm looking forward to... er... trying some British dishes.
Secretary: Really? Well... OK... um... we like to... to ask you something about yourself... your personal interests and things, so that we can match you with a... an appropriate family, so...
Student: Oh, OK...
Secretary: So, do... have you got any personal interests or hobbies?
Student: Well, I... I like to do sports... um... I specially like football. If it's possible I'd like to be with a family maybe where there's somebody I could practise football with.
Secretary: Right... football... um... and have you got any special requirements as to the family that you are going to stay with... um...
Student: Oh, well... you know, I come from a large family back in Germany, so maybe, if it's possible, you could put me with a family where there might be... er... another young person or two, perhaps—would be good...
Secretary: Right, so someone about your own age, perhaps...
Student: Mmm, maybe someone I could play football with... yeah.
Secretary: Right. Well, actually I interviewed a family yesterday who seem just right for you...
Student: Oh.
Secretary: Um... their name is Roberts... so it's the Roberts family. Um... Mr. Roberts is a bank manager.
Student: Oh really? My father is a bank manager.
Secretary: Oh, well, and...
Student: That sounds very good.
Secretary: So his... his wife is a part-time nursery school teacher, so she just works in the morning.
Student: Oh, OK...
Secretary: And they have two children... the girl is eighteen, but she's actually just gone away to college, so this is why they have a room vacant.
Student: Oh, so I would... I would stay in her room then?
Secretary: That's right, uhuh.
Student: Oh, that sounds fine.
Secretary: And their son is sixteen years old and he likes football very much.
Student: Well, that sounds very good. I think I... I'd like to meet this family. Is that possible to... to do that?
Secretary: Yes, it is. Um... what I'll do is... I'll give Mrs. Roberts a ring now. In fact, she should be... should be home at this time. So I'll give her a ring.
Student: OK, thank you.
That is the end of Section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 3.
3. Section 3
In this section you will hear a conversation between Wolfgang and his new friend Mary who has already been at the college for a few months. In the first part of the conversation they are talking about a social activity programme at college. First look at questions 21-27. Note the examples that have been done for you.
Now listen to the first part of the discussion and answer questions 21-27.
Mary: Hi, Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: Ah, Mary. How are you?
Mary: Oh, fine. How's it going? Have you just had a class?
Wolfgang: Yes. I just finished my listening class. It was... er... a little bit difficult.
Mary: Yeah, yeah, it's always difficult when you first arrive somewhere. I found it quite hard when I first arrived. Mnn... but you know, what really made a difference was going on these social activities that the... the college arranges for you. It kinda... gives you a chance to practise your English and...
Wolfgang: Hmm... I've heard that the college is pretty good about organizing those kinds of things. How... how do I find out about it?
Mary: Well, I've just picked up a schedule today. Let's ... let's have a look at it. Here it is...
Wolfgang: What is it? A schedule for... for this week or... ?
Mary: Yeah, yeah. Let's have a look.
Wolfgang: Oh, OK... yeah... maybe we can do some things together... in fact.
Mary: Yeah, that'd be great, so...
Wolfgang: Let's see. What are they doing tonight? Monday night...
Mary: Well, they've... so... oh. They've got Singing with Guitar. So I went to this last week. It's...
Wolfgang: Oh, really?
Mary: Yes, it's quite good fun.
Wolfgang: Is it pretty good?
Mary: Yeah, yeah.
Wolfgang: What do they do? Do they have a concert or... ?
Mary: It's— they teach you... um... modem and traditional songs.
Wolfgang: Mm... well... I'm not much of a singer, but... er...
Mary: Oh, come on. You should go. It's really good fun.
Wolfgang: Well, I suppose it'd be a good way to practise my English.
Mary: Yeah, 'cause you learn kinda British folk songs and things. It's... yeah... it's really interesting.
Wolfgang: Oh, but look at that. That starts at eight. But I notice at nine o'clock there's a... er... late night coach to Cambridge for a film. I think I'd want to go to try that... er... what time does this singing thing finish? Do you know?
Mary: Oh, well, usually it... it kinda lasts about two hours, but I mean, we can always leave earlier—they don't mind, do...
Wolfgang: Oh, OK. So we can do both then?
Mary:Yeah, so...
Wolfgang: Right. So that's at nine o'clock... yea... yeah...
Mary: What movie is it? Let me see...
Wolfgang: Er... Oh. It's Rocky. Have you seen it?
Mary: Rocky. . . Rocky? Oh, that's... that's... er... the one with Richard Dreyfuss, isn't it?
Wolfgang: Richard Dreyfuss? No, it's Slvester Stallone.
Mary: Oh, yes. I remember now... American movie... yes, I haven't seen that. I wanna see that. Good, let's go to that.
Wolfgang: All right, OK. Oh, did you see on Tuesday that there's a tennis tournament?
Mary: Tennis? Mm... what time is that?
Wolfgang: Well, that's at four o'clock in the afternoon.
Mary: Where is it? Is it on campus or... ?
Wolfgang: No... no. It's at Wembley, so that's in London.
Mary: Oh, oh, so that... it's pretty far away then. What time will it be coming back?
Wolfgang: Um... so it... the coach gets back at midnight.
Mary: Oh; midnight? Well, hmm... tell you what, I think maybe I'd better cancel on that because I've got a class Wednesday morning, and I'm afraid... at about eight thirty... I'm afraid if I came back that late I probably would... er... I'd be very tired in class, and actually I... I'm more into football myself, anyway.
Wolfgang: Oh, football? Well, did you see there's a football match on Wednesday?
Mary: Oh yeah? Well, who's... who's playing? Let's see...
Wolfgang: Oh. It's England and Brazil.
Mary: Oh, I really want to see that. Would you like to go together?
Wolfgang: Yeah, sure. What time is it?
Mary: Let me see... It says fifteen thirty, so that would be three thirty.
Wolfgang: Three thirty? Huh...
Mary: Now, I've got a... I have a lecture... er... right after lunch on Wednesday, at one thirty.
Wolfgang: Uhuh, what lecture is that?
Mary: Oh, well, there's a journalist coming from the BBC. He's going to talk about his experiences as a foreign correspondent.
Wolfgang: Huh, that sounds interesting.
Mary: Would you... would you like to go?
Wolfgang: Yeah. What time did you say it was?
Mary: Er... right after lunch, around one thirty.
Wolfgang: Oh, one thirty? I have a class then. What ash... yeah...
Mary: Oh, that's too bad. Well, what time does your class finish?
Wolfgang: Well, it finishes... it's an hour long... so it finishes at two thirty.
Mary: Oh, well, I shouldn't imagine... the lecture shouldn't go much later than that either, so after your class and after my lecture we can get together to go to the football game.
Wolfgang: OK... so we can meet...
Mary: Let's see, maybe three o'clock or... or maybe three fifteen?
Wolfgang: Yeah, I think three fifteen would be all right.
Mary: OK. Where should we meet?
Wolfgang: Well, usually these... on these kind of trips, the coach leaves from in front of the dining hall, so maybe we could meet there.
Mary: OK, so in front of the dining hall at three fifteen. That sounds fine.
Wolfgang: Yeah, right. On Thursday there's International Evening in the school hall.
Mary: Yeah, all songs and dances, performance by students from all over the world. That's very interesting. Would you like to go and see?
Wolfgang: Yes. When is that?
Mary: It will start at eight. Shall we meet at seven fifty in front of the school hall?
Wolfgang: Fine, seven fifty in front of the school hall.
Now listen to the second part of the conversation and answer questions 28-32.
Mary: Oh. And another thing I definitely want to do this weekend... er... is to go to see... er... they're going to have a trip to Stratford-on-Avon. I think it's on...let me see, what day is that? Friday, I think my roommate told me.
Wolfgang: Oh, Friday?
Mary: Would you like to go to that?
Wolfgang: Yeah, but are you sure it's Friday?
Mary: I thought that's what she said, but I might've been mistaken.
Wolfgang: Well, usually these things are on weekends.
Mary: Right.
Wolfgang: Let's see here. Oh, you're right, yeah... Saturday morning, eight thirty.
Mary: Ahah. Right, Friday's the disco.
Wolfgang: Oh, disco.
Mary: Yeah. So, actually I've arranged to go with some of my friends. So if you'd like to come along with us...
Wolfgang: Oh, that would be very nice, yeah.
Mary: Yeah, you can meet some more students.
Wolfgang: Oh, well, what time... what time shall we go to that then?
Mary: Well, it starts at... what time... ? Eight thirty, but we don't want to go too early, so let's say nine or nine thirty. Let's say nine thirty.
Wolfgang: OK, yeah... we can meet there. Um. . . but we'd better not stay too late, because the Stratford thing is... er... pretty early in the morning. The bus will be leaving at eight thirty.
Mary: Oh, yeah, right. So we want to make sure we get up for that.
Wolfgang: Yeah. Say, by the way, this trip... um... since... it's... er. .. quite a way away, do we have to pay anything extra for that or is it free?
Mary: Mmm... well, usually most of the trips are free, but, yeah... for these ones which are quite a distance away; then we usually have to pay a . . . a little bit extra.
Wolfgang: Is it a lot or... ?
Mary: No, it's usually about twenty-five pounds, something like that.
Wolfgang: Oh, well, do we have to tell them ahead of time that we're going to go?
Mary: Yeah, usually you have to sign up a couple of days in advance, so...
Wolfgang: Oh, where... where do we do that?
Mary: Um... well, you do that at the Student Services Office. So you have to go and see one of the Social Activities Officers.
Wolfgang: Oh, so I just tell them that I want to go and I pay my money and then sign my name. Well, I think I'll go ahead and do that today. Actually, I've got some free time right now. Do you know where I go to do that?
Mary: Um... yeah, yeah. It's... the... the Student Services Office. It's just across the road from here.
Wolfgang: Oh, OK.
Mary: Um... well, across the kind of...
Wolfgang: You mean the green building over there?
Mary: Yeah, yeah. So it's on the second floor.
Wolfgang: Oh, OK. Well, tell you what... um... Are you going to the Shakespeare thing?
Mary: Er... yeah, yeah, sure.
Wolfgang: Would you like me to go ahead and sign you up as well?
Mary: Oh, yes, yeah. That'd be great, but... well, I haven't got any money on me at the moment.
Wolfgang: Ah, don't worry about the money. That's fine. You can pay me back this evening. I'll go and sign us now, and then when I meet you tonight at the singing, you can... er... give me the money then.
Mary: Oh, well, if... if you are sure, that'd be great.
Wolfgang: No, it's no problem.
Mary: OK. Oh, is that the time? I'd better go. I've got a class. I'll be late.
Wolfgang: OK, sorry. I'll see you later then.
Mary: All right. See you tonight.
Wolfgang: Bye.
Mary: Bye.
That is the end of Section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 4.
4. Section 4
In Section 4 you will hear a conversation and answer questions 33-40. First you have some time to ionic at questions 33-40.
Now listen carefully and answer questions 33-40.
(Charles and Belinda are meeting in the hotel. They came for the anniversary conference.)
Belinda: Ah, that's much better.
Charles: Ah, that's yours, Belinda. How are you?
Belinda: Fine, thank you very much, Charles.
Charles: Right. You have a good journey then, Belinda?
Belinda: Yes, I did, I did. I must say the plane was marvellous.
Charles: Do you want a drink?
Belinda: Yes, please. You know, the plane journey was terrifically quick... it got in at ... er . . . 10:30 and we left Gatwick at 9:15.
Charles: What time did you have to start though in the morning?
Belinda: Well, that was ... er ... that was a different story, because I had to go to Victoria... um... at ... you know, to get to Gatwick and it's... from Victoria to Gatwick's three quarters of an hour. Then I had to leave home at 7:30 am and get up at 6:20.
Charles: Oh, gracious me.
Belinda: So I'm not sure if you save much really.
Charles: Jet travel, my goodness me. It was worth the experience, though?
Belinda: Oh, I mean, you know, I've never flown across the South of England and it really looked absolutely fantastic, especially as we proach... approached Plymouth, you know, with this sunshine and it looked really marvellous... marvellous.
Charles: Well, when you come up next time, would you be coming the same way?
Belinda: Oh, I don't think so. I don't, … to be honest...
Charles: Well, why not?
Belinda: Well, to be honest it was a bit of a luxury because it was a really expensive flight and of course there are only three planes a day. Did you have a good journey?
Charles: Yes, I had a lovely time. I came by train.
Belinda: What time did you start then?
Charles: Oh, about half past ten, I think. Got here about half past one. So it's only... what... three hours. Very quick.
Belinda: Very good.
Charles: Well, this was... er... this was a nice train, you know, very modem and comfortable. And of course lots of trains... about every hour, I think.
Belinda: Oh, great. Did you get something to eat on the train?
Charles: Yes. Had a nice lunch. Oh, it's wonderful. You can sit there drinking your soup and watching the view go by. I like it ...
Belinda: I bet it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the plane.
Charles: Well, actually, I thought it was quite expensive ... um... unless you've got a student card or something.
Belinda: Oh, those days are long gone.
Charles: But it was quite crowded. I was... I was glad I'd booked a seat, yen know.
Belinda: Yes. How did you come fur the conference last time?
Charles: On the coach.
Belinda: Good lord.
Charles: And it was really cheap. I thought I'd try it because I hadn't got much money at that time.
Belinda: You didn't have to start the night before, did you?
Charles: No, no. I set off at about twenty past eight and I got here at round about two o'clock.
Belinda: Good.
Charles: And it was really comfortable as well.
Belinda: A lot of motorway travel, then?
Charles: Well, there was a lot of motorway travel. Because there was a lot of motorway travel I was able to read... to sit and read my book. And it was a really smooth journey, I remember.
Belinda: Didn't you get travel sick?
Charles: No, I didn't feel sick at all.
Belinda: I think they were really hot, those coaches.
Charles: Well, it was air-conditioned, actually, and it was really nice.
Belinda: Well, you had nearly six hours in the coach. Wasn't that very tiring?
Charles: Yes, I suppose, about five and a half hours, but I mean once I started looking at my book, you know, I didn't notice the time at all. It just flew by. It's incredible.
Belinda: What was the service like, then? I mean, were there a lot of coaches?
Charles: I think it is pretty good... er... there are about five coaches in the day and there's one overnight coach as well, I believe. So it's really nice.
Belinda: Splendid. Well... I think I'll try next time.
Charles: Another drink?
Belinda: Oh, no, thanks. I really think...
That is the end of Section 4. Now you have half a minute to check your answers. That is the end of the listening test.
IV. Test 4
Instruction: You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 sections. Write all your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the real test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Now turn to Section 1.
1. Section 1
Tom and Barbara are talking about markets in London. Barbara has a market list and she wants to find out more details about them. Listen to the conversation and complete the market list. Write no more than three words for each answer. Look at questions 1-6 on the market list now.
Now listen and complete the market list.
Tom: Hi, Barbara. What will you do this weekend?
Barbara: Well, I'd like to do some shopping, but I have no idea where to go. I've only been here a few days. I was told London is an expensive place to live.
Tom: Yes, but that's not completely true. London can be an expensive place to live, but if you shop in the right places, you can live relatively cheaply.
Barbara: Is that true? Could you tell me something about the shops?
Tom: All right. You know, food tends to be cheapest in the big supermarkets like Sainsbury and Tescos. Most of them have quite a good variety of food and household items. You can buy your fruit and vegetables on the street. You will find these street markets in almost every part of London. You can also buy clothes, shoes and house-hold items in these markets for a real bargain. Have you got a market list provided by the Student Union?
Barbara: Yes. Here you are.
Tom: This might give you some ideas. Let me see. East Street SE17. This market sells cheap food, clothes and hardware. It's open from 8 am to 5 pm.
Barbara: Yes, but how can I get there?
Tom: You can take the underground. We call it the tube. You see, there is a tube station on the list.
Barbara: Let me see. Yes, it's Castle Station.
Tom: Right. You can get off at the Castle.
Barbara: Good. Look at Leather Lane WC1.
Tom: Yes, that's a good central London market for clothes, food and hardware. It opens at lunch times from Monday to Friday. It's near Chancery Lane Station.
Barbara: Well. What about the one in Petticoat Lane?
Tom: Oh, Petticoat Lane E1. It sells clothes, shoes and household goods. It opens only on Sunday mornings from 9 am to 12 noon.
Barbara: Yes, we can get off at Aldgate Station. OK. What about the one in Walthamstow E17?
Tom: Oh, that's a big market for clothes and food. It's open between 9 am and 4 pm on Mondays to Saturdays, except Wednesdays and Sundays.
Barbara: Let me see... yes, we can get there on the Central Line. What about Brixton?
Tom: That's Brixton SW9. It's an indoor and outdoor market with a lively atmosphere. It sells vegetables from all over the world. It opens 9 am to 6 pm Mondays to Sundays and half day on Wednesdays.
Barbara: Oh, it's close to Brixton Station, very near my place. Great. It's very convenient. Tell me more detail about Camden Lock.
Tom: Yes, there are several markets on Camden High Street and plenty of shops. They sell fashion clothes, jewellery, recorders and pottery. It's good for buying presents, very dose to Chalk Farm and Camden Town Station.
Barbara: I see. It says that it opens on Sundays only from 8 am to 5 pm. Well, I think these markets might help to keep my costs down.
Tom: Well, if you need to buy new electrical goods or large household items, you can wait until the January sales when almost all the shops sell goods at discount prices.
Barbara: Thank you very much for your help. Tom, shall we go to Brixton together this weekend?
Tom: I'd love to.
Barbara: Oh, I'm afraid I've got to go to a lecture. I will ring you tonight. Bye.
Tom: OK. Bye.
Barbara is phoning Tom about shopping. Look at Questions 7-9.
Now listen to their telephone conversation and answer questions 7-9. Write no more than three words for each answer.
(Telephone rings.)
Tom: 4010625?
Barbara: Hello. Is that you, Tom?
Tom: Hi, Barbara. Have you decided where to go tomorrow?
Barbara: Yes, that's right. I want to go to Camden Town to shop. Would you like to go there with me?
Tom: Yes, I'd love to. That's a good market. Mary is here with me now. She wants to go there too. Shall we meet at Camden Town Station?
Barbara: OK. How are you going there?
Tom: We will go there by bus. It's only three stops from my place. Well, we might walk there if the whether is fine. How will you get there?
Barbara: I think I will have to take the underground. I'm at Bond Street and I'll take the Central Line first and get off at Tottenham Court Road.
Tom: That's it. Take the Central Line and get off at Tottenham Court Road. Then you want the Northern Line to Camden Town. It's only about four stops. Make sure you get a northbound train though. You want northbound Camden Town. OK?
Barbara: OK. I think I can find the way. I have an underground map with me now. What time shall we meet there tomorrow?
Tom: How about ten thirty?
Barbara: Well, I think that's a bit too late. It might be crowed by that time.
Tom: How about one hour earlier, say nine thirty?
Barbara: Fine. That will be all right. See you tomorrow.
Tom: Bye.
That's the end of Section 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 2.
2. Section 2
You are going to hear a talk about the Women's Conference. First look at questions 10-14.
As you listen to part of the talk, answer questions 10-14.
There will be two meetings held in Beijing, and they will overlap. One—the NGO ( Non-governmental Organization) Forum on Women will be held in Beijing from August 30 to September 8, 1995. The other one—the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW) of the United Nations will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 15, 1995.
Why is the UN (United Nations) holding these meetings? The UN has noticed that dis-crimination against women has been increasing. The UN definition of discriminations—any dis-tinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex, which has the purpose of deciding or not allowing the full recognition of a woman on a basis of equality between male and female, human rights, freedom in political, economic, social, cultural or other fields.
Women are discriminated against in every country of the world. The UN has issued policies to deal with the discrimination. The UN has also placed the improvement of women's status position high on the global agenda.
The world is getting smaller. We are becoming a global family that shares problems and difficulties. We can learn from one another, help one another and share ideas and information.
There have been three previous world conferences on women. First in Mexico City in 1975, second in Copenhagen in 1980 and third was in Nairobi in 1985. During the first conference held in Mexico City in 1975, which was during the "International Women's Year", one outcome was the declaration by the UN General Assembly for "Decade for Women" (1976-1985).
In Copenhagen in 1980 the participants adopted a "Program of Action" for the second half of the UN Decade for Women. The 1985 Nairobi Conference was held at the end of the UN Decade for Women and the results were published in a book called the Forward Looking Strategies, which provided a framework for action at the international, national and regional levels of government and groups to promote greater equality and opportunities for women.
The slogan for the UN Decade for Women was equality, development and peace. This year from the end of August until the middle of September, Beijing will hold two conferences. They are separate conferences but related. The NGO Forum '95 from August 30 to September 8 about 30000 participants, both women and men, are expected to attend. It will be about women, their lives and their perspectives. This will provide women around the world with an opportunity to discuss and develop ideas, perspectives, plans and strategies and share information, to celebrate women's achievement and contributions in society, and to draw attention to and develop solutions to the discrimination facing women worldwide.
Who can participate in the NGO Forum '95? Any individuals or groups who fill in an application form and send 50 USD to NGO Forum, New York, by April 30, 1995.
Who will attend the Fourth World Conference? Each member state of the UN will send an official delegation. There are 184 member states in the UN. Also any person that represents an organization which has received accreditation. This had to be done by January 13, 1995. Six thousand people are expected to attend this Conference.
There has been over three years of preparations for this Conference in Beijing, at the international, national and regional levels in all the participating countries.
The Preparation Committee has organized all the issues into ten categories. The Conference in Beijing will discuss all these issues. At the end of the Conference the UN will issue a "Platform for Action". The Platform for Action will address the following critical areas of concern...
Now look at questions 15-20. Listen to the following directions and answer questions 15-20.
Ladies and gentlemen,
You are all welcome to this afternoon's tour of the campus. I'll be your guide for the duration. Before we start, could I please ask you to look at your campus map? That's the one you just got when you came in. Because the university buildings are not quite spread out, the tour will be on foot. Now, let's start where we are, the Main Building. As you come out of the Main Building, you will see two other big buildings opposite you. One is the campus branch of the Midland Bank on your left, the other one is the Post Office. Then we will follow Mary's Road until we come to the School Lane. Here, on the opposite side of the road, you will see a huge white building directly on your left hand corner. That would be the Students' Library. The Student Union is next to it, opposite the bank. Then we turn right and get into Candle Lane. There is a big shopping centre directly on the corner and the Science Building is on the left hand side.
As we go down Candle Lane, past the shopping centre, we come to the school bookstore which has a good reputation. All necessary course books can be bought there, not the one next to the shopping centre, but the one after that, on the High Street. Opposite the bookstore, there is the Sports Centre which takes up the whole block between Mary's Road and Candle Lane on the High Street. Finally we circle back to the Main Building. The tour will last about an hour and a half. I hope you will enjoy this afternoon's tour.
Oh, one more important note from Mr. Smith, your director. Please be back to this Main Building after the tour. There will be a reception at five thirty in Room 204, on the first floor, in the lecture hall. You will meet your teachers and staff there. All of you are welcome.
That is the end of Section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 3.
3. Section 3
In this section you will hear a discussion between two students, Maria and Jack. In the first part of the discussion they're talking about their opinions about some of the things in their universities. First look at questions 21-24. Note the examples that have been done for you. Complete the table showing the weather, the rooms, their roommates and food.
Now listen to their talk and answer questions 21-24.
Jack: 2414331.
Maria: Good afternoon. May I speak to Jack Robert, please?
Jack: Speaking, please.
Maria: Hi, Jack, this is Maria.
Jack: Hello, Maria. How are you getting on there?
Maria: Fine. I arrived in Nottingham yesterday. I've just settled down and I live on the campus of Nottingham University.
Jack: Oh, that's good. Do you like the campus?
Maria: Yes, it's beautiful. What do you think of yours?
Jack: Edinburgh University? It's marvellous. It's on a hill and very dose to the sea. I like it very much.
Maria: It sounds beautiful. Jack, what's the weather like there?
Jack: Oh, it's fine and sunny. It's said that the weather here is very nice in summer, but awful in winter. What's the weather like in Nottingham?
Maria: Well, it's a bit depressing. It's been raining since yesterday. I can't go out so I have to stay in my room.
Jack: What about your room? Is it a nice one?
Maria: Yes, it's small and elegant. How about yours?
Jack: Mine is an ordinary one. It's a twin study room. I share it with one of my classmates. He's intelligent and very friendly. We are getting on quite well. How's your roommate?
Maria: She's very nice but a little bit quiet. She likes reading and seldom speaks. By the way, do you like the Scottish food there?
Jack: Oh, I like it. It's very delicious.
Maria: Oh, really? I don't like the food here. It's disgusting. It has no taste. I have to cook for myself in my room.
Jack: Well, Maria, as the saying goes "When in Rome do as the Romans do." Come on. Don't be too choosy. Oh, someone's at the door. I have to answer it. Maria, I'll call you this evening. Bye.
Maria: Bye.
Ellan, a Student Union officer, is conducting a survey about the university facilities. She is asking two students about their opinions. Look at questions 25-32.
As you listen to the discussion, complete the table showing the number of points, 1, 2, 3 or 4, awarded to the university facilities by two students. One has been done as an example. Now answer questions 25-32.
Officer: I'm Ellan and I work for the Student Union. Now I'd like to hear your opinions about a few things in the university. We've asked for some volunteers to help us conduct this survey into how satisfied students are with the university facilities. First of all let's take the lecture rooms. We could score them. For instance, 1 is excellent, 2 satisfactory, 3 rather poor and 4 really bad. Robert, you first please. What do you think about the lecture rooms here?
Robert: Not so good, I'm afraid. I would score 3. They are too small for one thing. Sometimes we can hardly find a seat.
Maria: Yes, but that doesn't happen very often. They're comfortable and the acoustics are quite reasonable. It doesn't matter where you sit you can always hear the lecture. I would give 2 for them.
Officer: How do you feel about the car parking facilities? Are they adequate?
Robert: You must be joking. I can never find a car parking space when I need one, and when I finally do, it's a very long walk to the university's teaching building. I'd give it a 4.
Maria: I'm afraid I also agree. We need more car parks urgently. This is perhaps one of the major shortcomings of this campus. It gets a 4 from me as well. I come to the university 20 minutes early just so I can drive around looking for a parking space.
Officer: What about the Computer Centre then?
Robert: I think it's first class. The software base contains a large selection of learning programmes, language games and word-processing facilities. I would give a score of 1.
Maria: I quite agree with you. It's very modern and also under the supervision of qualified staff who can offer help to us while we work, should we need them.
Officer: Oh, good. Well, what do you think of the library facilities? Let's say the periodical room first?
Robert: Well, I've scored that 3. I'm sorry to have to say, but ... er ... I think the room has poor lighting and I'm disappointed about that.
Maria: I've given it a score of 1. As far as I'm concerned, it's excellent and well-stocked.
Officer: Thank you, Robert and Mary. Now let's turn to the photocopying facilities.
Robert: Mmm, I would give it a score of 2. Personally I think it's all right and it's very helpful.
Maria: Uh, I would score 3. I think it's too expensive for photocopying and there are not enough machines. Sometimes we have to stand in a line.
Officer: OK.
That is the end of Section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 4.
4. Section 4
In Section 4 you will hear a talk and answer questions 33-40. First you have some time to look at questions 33-40. Now listen carefully and answer questions 33-40.
Ladies and gentlemen:
At Safeway we are committed to working for a better environment. We have been actively looking for environmentally responsible solutions over the last 20 years, and it has never been more important than it is today to continue with that initiative. We believe our actions are helping to solve some of the problems, but just as importantly, we are looking ahead too, with new ideas to help protect our environment for the future.
Action for the environment goes beyond the Safeway store and into your home. What can you do? Here are some practical things you can do when you get back home to help the environment.
Sort out your waste at home so that you can take the different types to be recycled. Recycle all you can, such as glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, textiles, newspapers and plastic bags—these are among the many things that can be recycled today.
Your recyclable material can be taken to your local Safeway store's recycling centre or to your local Council recycling centre. Use recycled paper at home and at the office if possible. Recycle for the garden too. Food scraps, such as decayed vegetables and fruit, but not meat, and some garden waste such as leaves, dried grass, these can be used to make compost. It's useful in the garden and helps conserve the countryside. Compost is a good alternative to peat; peat digging damages wild peatlands.
Reuse as well as recycle. The back of once-used paper can be used again for rough work, old plastic bottles can be cut in half to be used as cloches for seedlings, and yoghurt pots and plastic film canisters are ideal for storing small things like screws and seeds. Don't forget plastic carrier bags can often be used again. We can all take action for a better environment if we start now. We can make a difference and enjoy a cleaner and brighter future.
The environmental problem is one of the crucial problems we face now. Energy efficiency cuts down the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is the main cause of global warming. People say we live in a throwaway society, in other words, waste is building up. We really need to find a way to solve this. Recycling and reuse can stop the build-up of waste, and can help save energy. Using CFC-free alternatives or pump-action aerosols is one way everyone can help. Every grower, from a farmer to a gardener, can help to save wildlife and habitats by avoiding the use of artificial chemicals which can poison plants and animals and pollute the land, air and water.
There are plenty of environmental problems facing the world. Small but consistent environmental actions by everyone can help to make sure they do not become overwhelming. It's remarkable how the different environmental actions work together to prevent a variety of problems.
You can buy 100% recycled paper goods for the kitchen and bathroom as well as recycled bin bags. Buy environmentally responsible products—try to use products that do not contain chemicals that can do harm to the environment, such as phosphates, chlorine and solvents. Regular purchases will begin to make a difference.
To save energy—when it is convenient, walk or cycle. It is good for the environment, your health and for your pocket too. In the home, cleaning jobs can be carried out with a thought for the future—use the washing machine on low temperature cycles. Use public transport when you can. Get a timetable—you may find a convenient alternative to the car and you will avoid the problem of where to park. Share a car—a sociable way to go to work or the shops. Two sharing a car only uses half as much fuel as if they had driven alone. Use unleaded petrol if you can.
We are all responsible to make the world a healthier, safer place for all of us in the future.
That is the end of Section 4. Now you have half a minute to check your answers. That is the end of the listening test.
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