Bên cạnh hướng dẫn cách dùng danh từ ''murder'' trong tiếng Anh, IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp transcript đề IELTS Listening test 3.
You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 sections. At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your
answers to an answer sheet. Now turn to section 1.
Đề 4
1. Section 1
You will hear a conversation between a commercial property letting agent and a businessman who wants to move business to new premises.
First, you have some time to look at questions 1 to 6. You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion, only the conversation relating to this will be played first.
AGENT: Ah, good morning, Mr Rich, isn't it?
MR RICH: That's right; Raymond Rich of ICT Industries.
AGENT: ICT Industries. Just a moment while I put that on the form.
Mr Rich said that the name of his company was ICT industries, so ICT industries is written in the space.
Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.
AGENT: Ah, good morning, Mr Rich, isn't it?
MR RICH: That's right; Raymond Rich of ICT Industries.
AGENT: ICT Industries. Just a moment while I put that on the form. Now, you're looking for new office space, is that right?
MR RICH: Yes, our present lease is due to expire soon and as the company is expanding anyway, we need to find somewhere to move to.
AGENT: Do you prefer the suburbs, the city or a commercial zone on the outskirts?
MR RICH: Well, currently we're in a very pleasant suburb but as I said we've outgrown that building. As we've got to move anyway, I think the city centre is where we want to be — right in the heart of things.
AGENT: I see, anywhere in particular?
MR RICH: Yes, somewhere in the vicinity of the main transport centre because I have a large staff and car parking in the city is terribly expensive. I think it would be a good idea if we didn't use our cars at all.
AGENT: Exactly what size premises are you looking for?
MR RICH: Good question. Something more than the 10,000 square meters we have at present should do it.
AGENT: Shall we say ... 12,000 square meters?
MR RICH: That's probably about right. Yes, I think that would meet our needs.
AGENT: Just how many employees do you have to accommodate?
MR RICH: Forty in all. But only fourteen will have their own offices. The rest will be in open-plan shared offices.
AGENT: Oh, I forgot to ask — do any of your employees have extra requirements? Will we need to consider people with disabilities?
MR RICH: Yes, actually, there is one in a wheelchair who'll need suitable access and another who can walk just a few paces — she uses a mobility scooter, so we'd need to make sure all facilities, especially toilet facilities, were suitable and accessible and we'd also need to be either on the ground floor or to find a secure place by the lifts for Mrs Jackson to park her scooter.
AGENT: I'll need to keep that in mind when I come up with property for you to look at. Now, when are you thinking of moving?
MR RICH: Well, our current lease expires in August so we'd like to have the move completed by then of course.
AGENT: Well, there is a very suitable property that I have in mind here in the city but the owners want a lease signed by the end of this month, May.
MR RICH: Ooh, too early I'm afraid. I'd be ready to sign up by the end of June though.
AGENT: Shall we say signed up by the 1st of July and moved by the end of that month?
MR RICH: Definitely.
Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10. Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.
AGENT: Well, I'll keep your requirements in mind and let you know when something comes up. Wait a minute ... there is vacant office space on the tenth floor of this very building. Would you care to take a look? It has only just become available but I haven't started marketing it yet because it's in need of a bit of a makeover. The floor area is about the right size ...
MR RICH: Good, let's see it then.
AGENT: Well, what do you think? Elevator access is great and the lobby area is roomy enough for that disability vehicle you were telling me about.
MR RICH: Oh, I don't know, there are too many small offices. Would we be able to take out a few of these walls and make bigger work areas?
AGENT: I don't see why not — most of them are just partitions — obviously load-bearing walls can't be touched, but there aren't many of those to worry about.
MR RICH: What about kitchen and dining facilities? We like our staff to feel comfortable eating at work — if they go out for lunch, it often leads to extended lunch hours and lost time.
AGENT: Come this way — this is the kitchen.
MR RICH: Oh, it's a bit poky; we'd need to enlarge it somehow. What's behind the wall here?
AGENT: That's just a storeroom. You could take out that wall and expand into that space.
MR RICH: Then what would we do for a storeroom?
AGENT: Ah, well, see that tiny office near the entrance? It has no external windows or natural light — it would make an ideal storeroom.
MR RICH: Yes, you're right. The whole place is a bit dilapidated — obviously in need of that redecoration you were talking about — and I don't just mean a coat of new paint. I think all the light fittings would have to be modernized, those broken blinds have to be replaced and this old blue carpet definitely has to go.
AGENT: I agree. That's something we can negotiate with the owner. But ... overall, do you think it would fit your requirements?
MR RICH: Well, you haven't given me any indication of what the lease would cost but before we get into that, what are the terms of the lease concerning length of tenancy?
AGENT: Well, generally in the city leases are never less than three years.
MR RICH: Oh? I mean we don't mind signing up for that period of time initially but we don't necessarily want to have to move after that — we've been in our last place for ten years, you know.
AGENT: Well, the usual agreement is a three by three by two — that's a contract for three years with entitlement to extension for three years and then another two years after that. But let me speak to the owner first.
MR RICH: Mmm ... and one more thing: we have to consider the time frame — remember my current lease is due to expire in August.
AGENT: Well, with reliable contractors, it shouldn't take more than a couple of months to do the necessary refit ...
That is the end of section 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to section 2.
2. Section 2
You will hear a committee member giving a talk to a Nature Club about coming events.
First, you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15. Listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 15.
Hi everyone. It's good to see such a big turnout at our Nature Club session for June. Just before we start this evening's workshop, I'd like to draw your attention to what we have in store for you in the second half of the year.
First of all, the guided bushwalk - this is always a favourite - starting out on the Springvale plateau and continuing down into a section of the state conservation area. Last year, we invited children aged 8 and over if they came with a parent, but the track has been washed out in a few places since then and it can be quite rough, so this year we considered restricting it to adults only… however, on reconsideration, the committee has now decided to recommend it for all bushwalkers who are over the age of 12.
Another very popular option is the bird observation walk. We'll be searching for both migratory and native birds as we walk through tidal marshlands and mangroves, and you can expect to get your feet uncomfortably wet and muddy if you don't wear rubber boots - these are a must. The leader will have a strong pair of binoculars, so we'll rely on her to name the species for us… and we've ordered some bird identification books that you may wish to purchase at a later date.
From the bush to the swamp, and now to the sand dunes… Our leader will help us identify plants native to the local area as well as some invasive weed species. We'll be asking for volunteers to help pull out the weeds where possible, so a pair of sturdy gardening gloves is essential. Spades and other tools will be provided. It could get very hot and you'll need water - plenty of it - but a local business owner is willing to provide bottled water free of charge.
The next outing, bush tucker, is a new one - have you ever wondered what life in this country would have been like two hundred to two thousand years ago? Well, come on this trip and you'll find out how the indigenous inhabitants used local plants as food and medicine.
Because lunch is included in this trip, there will be a small charge per person. We had originally thought 7 dollars would cover the basics – sausages and bread followed by tea and coffee, but then we thought a few different cuts of meat and salad would be nice and that brought the price up to 12 dollars a head. At one stage we even contemplated including seafood, but that would have been a bit too expensive – around 15 dollars – so meat and salad it is. We expect this to be a popular event, so we’ll need advance bookings to organise the catering. Please let us know your intentions by the 10th of November, and be aware that we’ll require pre-payment by the 15th of November. You can still change your mind and get a refund up to the 25th of November but after that date, if you pull out, you’ll forfeit the money paid.
Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 16 to 20. Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.
Well, now … if you can give me a few more minutes of your time, I’ll fill in a few details for you. The bush walk, led by Glenn Ford, is first up in July – on the second of the month. It’ll start from Springvale as usual but this year we’ll be setting off in the morning, at nine fifteen, and we’ll get back at one in the afternoon.
The bird watching expedition is on the tenth of September at Camford and the leader is the president of the Nature Club, our very own Joy Black. If you have any questions at all about bird life, Joy is the person to ask. This is a twilight outing from 4.30 to 6.30.
Next up is the trip to the sand dunes on 26 November with Rex Rose. A bit of an early start - especially for those of you with a fair way to travel - but we'll meet at the observation hut at half past eight. That's the observation hut, 8.30 till 10.30, and even at that time of the morning. It'll be very hot, so come prepared!
The last trip on the program is the bush tucker excursion on the third of December with ranger Jim Kerr. This will be at Carson Hills and the presentation and demonstration will take place from 10 am till 11.30 but be prepared to stay on for the barbecue and bush tucker lunch at 12 o'clock. I expect we'll wind up at two and you can head for home at that time.
Well, that's all I have to tell you. A booklet will be mailed out to you later with those events, dates and times - but don't wait, put them on your calendar now.
That is the end of section 2. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to section 3.
3. Section 3
You'll hear a tutor and some students discussing eating disorders.
First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 23. Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 23.
Tutor: Good afternoon, I hope everything is going well? Right, we've been looking at problems some people have with eating and today I'd like to focus on one you've probably come across in your reading. It is sometimes called binge eating disorder, or BED. As you know, I am not a particular fan of these acronyms, so I will refer to it by the alternative name, compulsive eating disorder. Has anybody heard of it?
Mary: Yes, I have. In fact, I read a case study of a first-year university student who was diagnosed with it.
Tutor: Do you remember what the symptoms are?
Mary: Well, of course, one symptom is that the person eats too much, although that's true for other eating disorders as well. They also put on weight.
Tutor: That's right, whereas in some other conditions, such as bulimia, they don't, and can actually lose weight. One thing that compulsive eating disorder and bulimia have in common, though, is that the person with the condition often becomes clinically depressed.
Peter: Are you saying that everybody who is overweight is suffering from the disorder?
Tutor: Not at all. What makes the compulsive cater different is the pattern of the disorder. Initially, as we've said, the compulsive eater starts eating too much. This seems to be because the sufferer finds comfort in food and eating is seen as a way of coping with problems. They don't eat because they feel hungry. Mary, in the case study you read, was there any reference to what triggered the problem?
Mary: I seem to recall that the student was suffering from stress because she was revising for exams, and she started eating snacks, junk food, while she was studying. Soon, she was eating snacks all the time and it just got worse from there.
Tutor: Yes, that sounds plausible, although compulsive eating often starts a lot earlier than the case you describe.
Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 24 to 30. Now listen and answer questions 24 to 30.
Tutor: Anyway, once the condition has been triggered, often by constant snacking as you mentioned, it becomes progressively worse. Over a period of time, the sufferer loses control of their food intake, they become preoccupied with food, and the binge eating increases. Overeating blocks out negative emotions such as loneliness, worries about work, depression and so on, but it is only a temporary effect. Apart from the physical discomfort that overeating often causes, the sufferer begins to feel embarrassed by their behaviour. They then take drastic action to try to compensate. In an attempt to lose weight, compulsive eaters will try extreme diets, skipping meals or going without any food at all for a day or more.
Peter: Not a healthy way to try to lose weight, obviously.
Tutor: Absolutely. And, of course, the person has to start eating again at some point.
Mary: In other words, it becomes a vicious circle?
Tutor: That's right. Binge eating, extreme dieting or attempts to lose weight by other means, and then binge eating again.
Peter: What are the long term effects of compulsive eating?
Tutor: As you might expect, these are similar to those for people suffering from obesity. Diabetes is frequently reported.
Mary: What about treatment?
Tutor: The disorder can be treated, certainly, but there's always the possibility that the patient will suffer a relapse and start bingeing again.
Mary: What does treatment involve? Medication?
Tutor: No. It normally involves sessions with a therapist experienced in treating eating disorders. A nutritionist will often be involved as well.
Peter: Are there any self-help organizations? I mean, organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous?
Tutor: Yes, there are, and you might want to follow this one up for your research. One organization is called Overeaters Anonymous, and they have what they describe as a twelve-step program to help people overcome the disorder. You can find out more from the organization's website. Right, I think that'll have given you plenty to follow up, so I'll see you at the same time next week.
That is the end of section 3. You now have half a minute to check your answers.
4. Section 4
In this section, you'll hear an introduction on the adventure class.
First, you have some time to read questions 31 to 40. Now listen to the conversation and answer questions 31 to 40.
Welcome to adventure class. I'm the coordinator of the class. During the course of this morning, I hope to give you a clear idea of what we offer in our class before my lecture listen to the comments on the class. Today we sailed into a group of whales class take place in the middle of elephants, giraffes and hippos. Yesterday's lecture was at the Great Barrier Reef - these comments sound like your typical classroom probably not these accounts come from students studying in adventure classes.
An adventure class is a unique type of program that combines textbook learning with real-life exploration. Students and teacher travel together for a program in discovery and exploration. The class is provided by the Australian universities international program, aiming at promoting students awareness of international communication and global environment. Here are three popular adventure classroom programs that are available to you college students from the freshman to senior students.
The first one is called Australia short program. The three-week course begins with several days in Cairns, there we hold classes on Coral protection how the corals are formed. What are their functions and what are the threats corals are facing? Students then spend the next two weeks on a study tour of Queensland, known for its sunny beaches rainforests and remote outback, Queensland provides a rich learning environment. The highlight of the program is the tour - the Great Barrier Reef, activities include hiking, bird-watching and boating. By experiencing local culture up-close students explore the connection between local people and the environment, six semester credits are given by the Australian universities international program and the tuition fee is one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
African Safari program is another popular class Kenya's stunning wilderness becomes the classroom for students in the African Safari program. The five-week course is set on the beautiful twenty acre campus of Australia International University in Nairobi University professors combine classroom instruction with hands-on experience to teach wildlife management. In addition to class work, students take trips to famous places such as Mount Kilimanjaro and Victoria Falls. Students also experience African culture through trips to local villagers and Nairobi's city centre but for most students the safaris are the highlight of the course. The program includes three or four safaris. During each safari participants camp outdoors for up to six days. One of the most popular destinations is the Maasai Mara Game Reserve, an amazing collection of wildlife lives on the reserve. Students study elephant, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and other exotic animals in their natural habitat those who take the course gained many wonderful memories and a greater appreciation for the Earth's natural resources. Students and eight college credits for the program. The cost of tuition is four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
The last on the list is Sea Education Association (SEA). The SEA program is a one of a kind opportunity where students live and learn aboard a tall ship. The course combines ocean research with instruction and personal experience in sailing after careful instruction both onshore and at sea. The participants begin practicing what they've learned everyone on board takes turns operating and navigating a 134-foot sailing ship. That is the most outstanding life at sea is non-stop so everyone is assigned to a watch during that time students work in the lab in the kitchen on deck or in the engine room. Each watch group includes eight people who rotate throughout a 24-hour schedule they learn how to live at sea and how to work together as a team. Students can choose from three programs in different locations, each about three weeks long, college credit is awarded and the cost is three thousand six hundred US dollars.
It is an adventure classroom for you. If the idea of learning through adventure interest you, you might want to apply. It would certainly be an experience you would never forget.
That is the end of section 4. You now have half a minute to check your answers.
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