Bên cạnh hướng dẫn cách dùng tính từ ''corporal'' trong tiếng Anh, IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp transcript đề thi thử IELTS Listening Practice Test 1.
Đề 7
1. Section 1
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two people, a customer and a representative of a company which rents cars. There are three alternative answers: A, B, and C for each question. Decide which alternative is the most suitable answer and circle the appropriate letter. First, you have some time to look at questions 1 to 6.
You can see that there is an example which just been completed for you. On dissertation only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.
Answering machine: Thank you for calling car line, so that we can best help you, can you please press the start button on your phone, now. Thank you! Now choose one of the following four options by pressing the buttons on your telephone. Press 1 if you would like to make a car reservation, press 2 if you would like to talk to someone about a car reservation, press 3 if you would… Please hold while we put you through to one of our assistants.
Narrator: The caller can book a car by pressing button number 1, so A is the correct answer.
Now the test will begin. Remember, you will hear the recording only once, so answer the questions as you listen. Now listen to the first part of the conservation and answer questions 1 to 6.
Answering machine: Thank you for calling car line, so that we can best help you, can you please press the start button on your phone, now. Thank you! Now choose one of the following four options by pressing the buttons on your telephone. Press 1 if you would like to make a car reservation, press 2 if you would like to talk to someone about a car reservation, press 3 if you would… Please hold while we put you through to one of our assistants. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng động từ "hold" tiếng anh
Melanie: Good morning, Melanie speaking. How can I help you?
Mr. Maxine: My name is Mr. Maxine and I booked a car several days ago to be picked up from Heathrow Airport in London, and I'd like to change the booking.
Melanie: I see. Have you got a reference?
Mr. Maxine: Yes, I have it here somewhere on a piece of paper, ah here it is. It's A for Alpha, C for Charlie, F for Foxtrot, Y for… [ya] Yes, the number of 15, 1 5, A for Alpha and G for Go.
Melanie: Let's see. Can I just check that? ACFY15AG.
Mr. Maxine: Yes.
Melanie: Mr. John Maxine.
Mr. Maxine: Yes, that's it.
Melanie: Ok, so How can I help you?
Mr. Maxine: I booked a car for 3 days from this Friday at 6 p.m. to Monday at 6 p.m.
Melanie: Yes, a manual.
Mr. Maxine: I'd like to change it for a larger car and an automatic rather than a manual, and I'd also like to book it for 5 rather than 3 days.
Melanie: Ok, let's have a look. Mmm, we have an estate which is automatic.
Mr. Maxine: Yes, that would be perfect.
Melanie: There is a difference in price, though.
Mr. Maxine: For the extra two days.
Melanie: Yes, but also for the size of the car, the estate is 15 pounds more expensive per day than the saloon car you have already booked.
Mr. Maxine: Ok, and How much extra is it altogether then?
Melanie: That makes it an extra 165 pounds.
Mr. Maxine: Hmm, it seems rather expensive. The last time I hired one, it wasn't so much.
Melanie: When was that?
Mr. Maxine: Several weeks ago.
Melanie: I see.
Narrator: Before the speakers continue their conversation, look at questions 7 to 10. As you listen to the rest of the dialogue, complete the number spaces 7 to 10. Write no more than two words or a number for each space.
Melanie: Well, it's basically because the rates change daily according to the cars available. The estate is the last automatic we have fired for that period, we have a manual estate which is cheaper if that would help.
Mr. Maxine: No, it has to be an automatic.
Melanie: Okay, Shall I debit your card for the extra 165 pounds.
Mr. Maxine: Is it possible for me to pay the extra in cash when I pick up the car at the airport?
Melanie: I'm afraid that isn't possible, as there are no facilities for handling cash at that time of the day.
Mr. Maxine: That seems odd.
Melanie: It's because the money can't be banked in the evening and for security reasons, no cash is held on the premises.
Mr. Maxine: Okay, you can debit my card.
Melanie: You all have to give the number to me again.
Mr. Maxine: Isn't it logged on the screen.
Melanie: For security reasons, it doesn't come up on the screen when we look at the booking, any changes, and it has to be entered again. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng danh từ "change" tiếng anh
Mr. Maxine: I see, it's 34459911.
Melanie: 34459911…
Mr. Maxine: 4425
Melanie: 4425…
Mr. Maxine: 7750
Melanie: 7750…Ok, that has now been authorized. Shall we send the receipt to your Park Vale address?
Mr. Maxine: Yes, number 40.
Melanie: Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. Maxine?
Mr. Maxine: No, nothing else. Thank you.
Melanie: Have a nice trip!
Mr. Maxine: Thank you, goodbye.
Narrator: That is the end of section 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Section 2.
2. Section 2
Narrator: You will here part of the radio program about online exchange business. First, you have some time to look at questions 11 to 14. Now listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 14.
BarterOnlineUK is a young, up-and-coming website in the United Kingdom where users can ‘buy’ new and used goods. However, instead of paying with money, registered users instead exchange their purchases for an item of similar value. This part is perhaps the most complicated, as the registered users themselves must mutually decide on an appropriate value, with value either being the recommended retail price (RRP) or simply how much they believe the item to be worth. The website has been founded by a group of four friends in the North of England. Originally they exchanged their belongings among family members. They frequently found themselves swapping their belongings when they no longer had any use for them. They live by the motto “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure”, and hate to throw things away. As more and more people caught wind of the idea and wanted to participate in the exchanges, the group decided that the idea had the potential to become a successful business venture, and so it did.
BarterOnlineUK is a start-up online business, which took 3 months to set up and has now been running for around half a year. Despite only being founded a short time ago, the website has already garnered about 1,500 registered users, with 500 more than expected, a huge achievement for the founders. Some of the users are registered in the United Kingdom and Canada, with the majority from the Republic of Ireland. In order to become a registered member, users must first fill in their personal details followed by their credit or debit card details, which will be used to take payment of a monthly fee of £5. As long as this fee is paid, users will be able to perform an unlimited number of online exchanges.
Narrator: Before you hear the rest of the program, you have some time to look at questions 15 to 20. Now listen and answer questions 15 to 20.
A multitude of items are sold on the website, such as textbooks, soft toys, and tools, however, books for children and computer games are by far selected most. The exchange process itself is not as complicated as it might seem, users can enter their preferences for what they would like to receive, and also explicitly state what they would like to give away, and the website will automatically pair up suitable users. If, however, a user doesn’t want to give anything away, but would simply like to buy something, BarterOnlineUK does support a secure online payment system where users can perform a normal monetary transaction. Despite this, the founding group strongly discourages the use of the online payment system, clearly stating that this goes against the intended ethos of the company.
Although bartering is an age-old process, many of the website’s users are unsure how to decide which of their own items to exchange. It often helps to order items by popularity using the ‘filter’ button provided, this will tell the website to find out popular items for users’ convenience. To this, the founding members say just put everything you don’t want on there, different people have different tastes, and you never know what they might be looking for! In order to aid registered users in their exchanges, and to provide them with assurance, the founders recently added a new feature whereby on completion of an exchange, users will be encouraged to provide each other with feedback. This feedback will include criteria such as the quality of the item as compared with how it was advertised, the ease of communication with the seller, the speed at which the item was delivered, and so on. The friends believe that by using this method, users will have a more transparent and trustworthy bartering experience,…
Narrator: That is the end of section 2. You now have half a minute to check your answers.
3. Section 3
Narrator: You are going to listen to a conversation between a tutor and two students. In the first part of the discussion, they talk about a fellow student. First, look at questions 21 to 23. As you listen, answer the questions, write no more than two words for each answer.
TUTOR: Ah, Frances and Steve, Hi. Now, before we start the tutorial ... am I right in thinking that you haven't heard about Lorraine?
FRANCES: No. What about her?
TUTOR: Mmm, she's already left.
STEVE: What?
FRANCES: Well, she hasn't told anyone!
TUTOR: You sound surprised. Weren't you half expecting it?
FRANCES: Yes, but she could at least have told us, though. We've been on the course together for the past three years and it would have been nice to know. She always was the sort to keep herself to herself.
STEVE: Yes. I know what you mean. Did she give any reason?
TUTOR: Well, she got that job.
TUTOR: Yes, and she's been given permission to leave as there's only a week to go before the end of the course. But she'll be back for the exam week.
FRANCES: Oh, well. We'll just have to catch her on the mobile after the class.
TUTOR: She's gone back to Wales, first.
FRANCES: Oh, dear.
STEVE: We'll get hold of her on the mobile.
TUTOR: She did say that it might not be possible to contact her for a couple of weeks.
FRANCES: Oh, okay. If that is what she wants.
Narrator: Before the conversation continues, look at questions 24 to 30. Now listen to the second part of the discussion. The tutor and the two students are talking about assessment marks. For questions 24 to 30, there are four alternatives: A, B, C, and D. Decide which alternative is the most suitable answer and circle the correct letter.
TUTOR: Right. To work! We're here to look at your assessment marks for your coursework. I take it you haven’t seen them yet.
FRANCES/STEVE: No, not yet.
TUTOR: Well, you'll both be pleased. In fact, very pleased.
TUTOR: Frances. You have come out with the top mark in the year.
TUTOR: You have, in fact, got a starred First.
TUTOR: Aren't you pleased, Frances?
FRANCES: Yes. I'm just speechless.
STEVE: And what about me?
TUTOR: Well, Steve, you got a First as well.
STEVE: I don't believe it!
TUTOR: You might have done even better, but there were a few faults with the 5,000-word project you did on traffic management.
STEVE: And what about the book review we had to do?
TUTOR: Yours was, I can safely say, the best we have ever had.
STEVE: You're kidding!
TUTOR: I'm not. In fact, you have won the departmental prize for the piece. It is a pity really that your project wasn't of the same caliber.
STEVE: It's still not bad at all, though. Is it?
TUTOR: It certainly isn't. What do you think were the faults with your project?
STEVE: I just wasn't very happy with the conclusion, and I got myself in a bit of a twist with the argument about road pricing.
TUTOR: By and large, your overall conclusions were okay and I would say that your thoughts on road pricing were quite original. The problem was more with the actual end. It was a bit disappointing. You started off well, but then it ended rather suddenly as if you got fed up with it.
STEVE: Yes, I did kind of stop fairly abruptly. I couldn't think of much to say, even though I knew it was important.
TUTOR: Yes. That section needed a bit more work on it. But as I said, by and large, it was very good. And Frances. Your project was excellent, so much so that we think you should take it further and perhaps do a PhD. or at least an MPhil. What do you think?
FRANCES: I hadn't really thought about it. I've just been concerned with getting through this final year and getting all the coursework and exams out of the way. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân biệt "Worry" & "Concern" tiếng anh
TUTOR: I can understand that, but I do think that you ought to consider it seriously. If you perform as well in your exams as in your project work, you are on course for a first.
FRANCES: Do you think that I'd get funding for it?
TUTOR: Well, any grant will be discretionary, but you have as good a chance as anyone else. I'd even say a much better one.
TUTOR: If you do get a first, it will be the only one we've had in this department for three years. And I'd be happy to be your supervisor.
FRANCES: Thanks! I'd like that. Do you think I should start applying for it now or wait until after the exams?
TUTOR: I think you must really start thinking about it as soon as you can. And Steve, what about you? Have you thought about going on to do research?
STEVE: I have thought about it, but I have a job lined up if I get a good degree, and quite honestly, I am fed up with not having enough money to do the things I would like to do.
TUTOR: I can understand that. Is there anything that either of you would like to talk about?
STEVE: Yeah. I have a couple of things I'd like to ask if you don't mind.
TUTOR: Okay. We have roughly twenty minutes left. So Steve, would you like to go first?
STEVE: Right, ammm ...
Narrator: That is the end of section 3. You now have half a minute to check your answers
4. Section 4
Narrator: You will hear part of the lecture on the wildlife. Listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Lecturer: Thousands of exotic plants and animals have been introduced into the British Isles over thousands of years. These newcomers compete with native species for resources, and can also cause major changes in the wildlife and in the habitats of our countryside. The problem is not just British of course, but global, and it has been going on for centuries. One good example of this I'd like to mention today is the European starling. The starling, to us in the UK, is a fairly ordinary little bird, about twelve inches long. In flight, it appears to be black or grey with tiny white spots. So it's a very ordinary-looking, almost dirty-looking bird. It nests in trees and buildings and can be found in the country and in towns. It travels in large flocks, leaving the nests in the morning and returning in the early evening. It feeds on insects and fruit. Its native range includes the British Isles and Finland, but it is also found in most of Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. In the British Isles and Finland, however, it has suffered a huge decline, and in these countries, there is an effort to conserve the species. It is a different story in some of the places where it has been introduced. For example, the population in the USA is estimated at 170 million birds. Also, they are becoming a big problem in Australia and New Zealand. Starlings, as I have said, nest in trees and it has been found that they are more aggressive than native species, native that is to Australia and New Zealand when they are looking for nesting places. They, therefore, compete with native species for nests, and also they drive those species away from nests. So, this nest-building activity causes harm to native species, but also they are a nuisance to humans. They gather in large flocks of thousands of birds and feed together on commercial crops. This causes great financial damage to farmers. And they also make a mess, both in the town and the countryside.
There is also the problem that starlings may carry diseases which affect both humans and other animals, although this has not been really confirmed and we are waiting for more work to be done on this. The question arises - what are we to do about foreign species which not only do damage to native species but interfere with human activity?
We have three approaches in theory, but usually, it is not a free choice between them. Usually, we have to do the best we can and that money will allow. The best approach of course is prevention, and many countries have passed legislation which attempts to limit or prevent the arrival of non-native species in their countries. In particular, there are many international regulations on how and where ships may pick up and deposit water, and this is a major contribution to preventing the accidental transport of fish and organisms by ship since accidental transport by ship is a frequent cause of fish and other creatures going from place to place. Ports also have special areas where water can be deposited, and many of them have treatment facilities to kill any foreign species that may establish themselves in their waters. For fish and organisms that live in water, these international regulations are useful, but obviously, not all species can be dealt with in this way. Sometimes it is simply too late for prevention. Then we have to consider eradication or management. By management, I mean that we have to decide how best to live with the new creatures and how to keep their numbers down. However, this becomes not only a scientific question. It can be a matter of choice what population level of an invasive species we want to maintain. This choice involves costs: there is the cost of living with the species and there is the cost of managing the species over time, and species management is usually a long-term business without any foreseeable end. However, there is not just the economic aspect to this question. We can also consider the ethical point: How should we treat animals which we have, sometimes deliberately, introduced into the environment? Is it permissible just to exterminate a number of them convenient to ourselves? >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân biệt CONTAIN / INCLUDE CONSIST/ INVOLVE
The most important decision has to be made in the political forum, whatever considerations go into the making of that decision. These questions are relevant also to the approach of eradication which is another option but which does not have an encouraging history. Many attempts have been made to eradicate introduced species...
Narrator: That is the end of section 4. You now have half a minute to check your answers. That is the end of the listening test. You now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.
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