Bên cạnh Phân tích đề thi "spend their leisure time with their colleagues" IELTS WRITING (kèm bài viết thi thật HS đạt 6.0), IELTS cũng cung cấp Tổng hợp Section 3-4 topic Health & Medicine IELTS LISTENING (PDF).
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Tổng hợp Section 3 - 4 topic Health & Medicine IELTS LISTENING
1. Bài 1
Questions 33-35
Circle the correct answer.
According to the first speaker:
33. The focus of the lecture series is on
A. organising work and study
B. maintaining a healthy lifestyle
C. coping with homesickness
D. settling in at university
34. The lecture will be given by
A. the president of the Union
B. the campus doctor
C. a sports celebrity
D. a health expert
According to the second speaker:
35. This week’s lecture is on
A. campus food
B. dieting
C. sensible eating
D. saving money
Questions 36-39
Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
A balanced diet
A balanced diet will give you enough vitamins for normal daily living.
Vitamins in food can be lost through (36) ................................................
Types of vitamins:
(a) Fat soluble vitamins are stored by the body.
(b) Water soluble vitamins - not stored, so you need a (37) ..............................................
Getting enough vitamins
Eat (38) ........................................................ of foods.
Buy plenty of vegetables and store them in (39) ..............................................
Questions 40-41
Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the boxes provided.
2. Bài 2
Questions 31 - 36
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
31. Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?
32. According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is
A. pregnancy.
B. osteoporosis.
C. lack of exercise.
33. As treatment for back pain the Clinic mainly recommends
A. pain killers.
B. relaxation therapy.
C. exercise routines.
34. The back is different from other parts of the body because
A. it is usually better at self-repair.
B. a back injury is usually more painful.
C. its response to injury often results in more damage.
35. Bed rest is advised
A. for a maximum of two days.
B. for extreme pain only.
C. for pain lasting more than two days.
36. Being overweight
A. is a major source of back pain.
B. worsens existing back pain.
C. reduces the effectiveness of exercise.
Questions 37-40
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
3. Bài 3
Questions 31-33
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Questions 34-36
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 37-40
Choose the correct letters A-C.
37. Ostrich meat
A. has more protein than beef.
B. tastes nearly as good as beef.
C. is very filling.
38. One problem with ostrich fanning in Britain is
A. the climate.
B. the cost of transporting birds.
C. the price of ostrich eggs.
39. Ostrich chicks reared on farms
A. must be kept in incubators until mature.
B. are very independent.
C. need looking after carefully.
40. The speaker suggests ostrich farms are profitable because
A. little initial outlay is required.
B. farmed birds are very productive.
C. there is a good market for the meat.
4. Bài 4
Questions 31 - 35
Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.
Left and right handedness in sport
31. Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised
A. how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness.
B. the relevance of connections he made with music.
C. the impressive size of his research project.
32. Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in
A. helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses
B. aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game.
C. developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople.
33. Anita feels that most sports coaches
A. know nothing about the influence of handedness.
B. focus on the wrong aspects of performance.
C. underestimate what Science has to offer-sport.
34. A German study showed there was greater
A. started playing instruments in early youth.
B. play a string instrument such as the violin.
C. practise a great deal on their instrument.
35. Studies on ape behaviour show that
A. apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful.
B. apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans
C. more apes are left-handed than right-handed.
Questions 36 - 40
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
5. Bài 5
Questions 31-33
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
31. The speaker says the main topic of the lecture is
A. the history of monosodium glutamate
B. the way monosodium glutamate works
C. where monosodium glutamate is used
32. In 1908, scientists in Japan
A. made monosodium glutamate
B. began using kombu
C. identified glutamate
33. What change occurred in the manufacture of glutamate in 1956?
A. It began to be manufactured on a large scale
B. The Japanese began extracting it from natural sources
C. It became much more expensive to produce
Questions 34-40
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
MSG contains
- Glutamate (78.2%)
- Sodium (12.2%)
- (34) .................... (9.6%)
Glutamate is found in foods that contain protein such as (35) .................... and (36) .....................
MSG is used in foods in many different parts of the world.
In 1908 Kikunae Ikeda discovered a (37) ............................
Our ability to detect glutamate makes sense because it is so (38) ........................ naturally.
John Prescott suggests that:
- Sweetness tells us that a food contains carbohydrates.
- (39) ........................... tells us that a food contains toxins.
- sourness tells us that a food is spoiled.
- Saltiness tells us that a food contains (40) ........................
6. Bài 6
Questions 31-36
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
31. In order to set up her research programme, Shona got
A. advice form personal friends in other countries.
B. help from students in other countries.
C. information from her tutor’s contacts in other countries
32. What types of people were included in the research?
A. young people in their first job
B. men who were working
C. women who were unemployed
33. Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim was
A. to get a wide range of data.
B. to limit people’s responses.
C. to guide people people through interviews.
34. What do Shona’s initial results show about medical services in Britain?
A. Current concern are misrepresented by the press.
B. Finance issues are critical to the government.
C. Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful.
35. Shona needs to do further research in order to
A. present the government with the findings.
B. decide the level of extra funding needed.
C. identify the preferences of the public.
36. Shona has learnt from the research project that
A. it is important to plan projects carefully.
B. people do not like answering questions.
C. colleagues do not always agree.
Questions 37-40
Which statement applies to each of the following people who were interviewed by Shona?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 37-40.
A. gave false data
B. decided to stop participating
C. refused to tell Shona about their job
D. kept changing their mind about participating
E. became every angry with Shona
F. was worried about confidentiality
People interviewed by Shona
37. a person interviewed in the street ……………………..
38. an undergraduate at the university …………………….
39. a colleague in her department ………………………..
40. a tutor in a foreign university ………………………..
7. Bài 7
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Episodic memory
- the ability to recall details, e.g. the time and 31…………… of past events
- different to semantic memory – the ability to remember general information about the 32…………… , which does not involve recalling 33…………… information
Forming episodic memories involves three steps:
- involves receiving and processing information
- the more 34……………. Given to an event, the more successfully it can be encoded
- to remember a 35……………., it is useful to have a strategy for encoding such information
- how memories are strengthened and stored
- most effective when memories can be added to a 36……………. of related information
- the 37……………. of retrieval affects the strength of memories
- memory retrieval often depends on using a prompt, e.g. the 38……………. Of an object near to the place where you left your car
Episodic memory impairments
- these affect people with a wide range of medical conditions
- games which stimulate the 39…………….. have been found to help people with schizophrenia
- children with autism may have difficulty forming episodic memories – possibly because their concept of the 40……………… may be absent
- memory training may help autistic children develop social skills
8. Bài 8
Questions 21 – 26
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Labels giving nutritional information on food packaging
21. What was Jack’s attitude to nutritional food labels before this project?
A. He didn’t read everything on them.
B. He didn’t think they were important.
C. He thought they were too complicated.
22. Alice says that before doing this project,
A. she was unaware of what certain foods contained.
B. she was too lazy to read food labels.
C. she was only interested in the number of calories.
23. When discussing supermarket brands of pizza, Jack agrees with Alice that
A. the list of ingredients is shocking.
B. he will hesitate before buying pizza again.
C. the nutritional label is misleading.
24. Jack prefers the daily value system to other labelling systems because it is
A. more accessible.
B. more logical.
C. more comprehensive.
25. What surprised both students about one flavour of crisps?
A. The percentage of artificial additives given was incorrect.
B. The products did not contain any meat.
C. The labels did not list all the ingredients.
26. What do the students think about research into the impact of nutritional food labelling?
A. It did not produce clear results.
B. It focused on the wrong people.
C. It made unrealistic recommendations.
Questions 27 and 28
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things surprised the students about the traffic-light system for nutritional labels?
A. its widespread use
B. the fact that it is voluntary for supermarkets
C. how little research was done before its introduction
D. its unpopularity with food manufacturers
E. the way that certain colours are used
Questions 29 and 30
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things are true about the participants in the study on the traffic-light system?
A. They had low literacy levels.
B. They were regular consumers of packaged food.
C. They were selected randomly.
D. They were from all socio-economic groups.
E. They were interviewed face-to-face.
9. Bài 9
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
The history of coffee
Coffee in the Arab world
- These was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia.
- 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine.
- 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered the 31……………… of every coffee house.
Coffee arrives in Europe (17th century)
- Coffee shops were compared to 32………………. .
- They played an important part in social and 33………………. changes.
Coffee and European colonization
- European powers established coffee plantations in their colonies.
- Types of coffee were often named according to the 34……………….. they came from.
- In Brazil and the Caribbean, most cultivation depended on 35………………… .
- In Java, coffee was used as a form of 36…………………. .
- Coffee became almost as important as 37…………………. .
- The move towards the consumption of 38………………….. in Britain did not also take place in the USA.
Coffee in the 19th century
- Prices dropped because of improvements in 39…………………. .
- Industrial workers found coffee helped them to work at 40…………………. .
10. Bài 10
Questions 21-24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Assignment on sleep and dreams
21. Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that
A. our memories cannot cope with too much information.
B. we might otherwise be confused about what is real.
C. we do not think they are important.
22. What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?
A. It may just be due to chance.
B. It only happens with certain types of event.
C. It happens more often than some people think.
23. Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day
A. had controversial results.
B. used faulty research methodology.
C. failed to reach any clear conclusions.
24. In their last assignment, both students had problems with
A. statistical analysis.
B. making an action plan.
C. self-assessment
Questions 25-30
Complete the flow chart below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
11. Bài 11
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Health benefits of dance
Recent findings:
- All forms of dance produce various hormones associated with feelings of happiness.
- Dancing with others has a more positive impact than dancing alone.
- An experiment on university students suggested that dance increases 31 ……………… .
- For those with mental illness, dance could be used as a form of 32 ……………… .
Benefits of dance for older people:
- accessible for people with low levels of 33 ………………
- reduces the risk of heart disease
- better 34 ……………… reduces the risk of accidents
- improves 35 ……………… function by making it work faster
- improves participants’ general well-being
- gives people more 36 ……………… to take exercise
- can lessen the feeling of 37 ………………, very common in older people
Benefits of Zumba:
- A study at The University of Wisconsin showed that doing Zumba for 40 minutes uses up as many 38 ……………… as other quite intense forms of exercise.
- The American Journal of Health Behavior study showed that:
- – women suffering from 39 ……………… benefited from doing Zumba.
- – Zumba became a 40 ……………… for the participants.
12. Bài 12
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO points does Adam make about his experiment on artificial sweeteners?
A. The results were what he had predicted.
B. The experiment was simple to set up
C. A large sample of people was tested.
D. The subjects were unaware of what they were drinking.
E. The test was repeated several times for each person.
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO problems did Rosie have when measuring the fat content of nuts?
A. She used the wrong sort of nuts.
B. She used an unsuitable chemical.
C. She did not grind the nuts finely enough.
D. The information on the nut package was incorrect.
E. The weighing scales may have been unsuitable.
Questions 25-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
25. Adam suggests that restaurants could reduce obesity if their menus
A. offered fewer options.
B. had more low-calorie foods.
C. were organised in a particular way.
26. The students agree that food manufacturers deliberately
A. make calorie counts hard to understand.
B. fail to provide accurate calorie counts.
C. use ineffective methods to reduce calories.
27. What does Rosie say about levels of exercise in England?
A. The amount recommended is much too low.
B. Most people overestimate how much they do.
C. Women now exercise more than they used to.
28. Adam refers to the location and width of stairs in a train station to illustrate
A. practical changes that can influence people’s behaviour.
B. methods of helping people who have mobility problems.
C. ways of preventing accidents by controlling crowd movement.
29. What do the students agree about including reference to exercise in their presentation?
A. They should probably leave it out.
B. They need to do more research on it.
C. They should discuss this with their tutor.
30. What are the students going to do next for their presentation?
A. prepare some slides for it
B. find out how long they have for it
C. decide on its content and organisation
13. Bài 13
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
- a winding spiral path leading to a central area
Labyrinths compared with mazes
- Mazes are a type of 31 ……………………
- – 32 …………………… is needed to navigate through a maze
- – the word ‘maze’ is derived from a word meaning a feeling of 33 ……………………
- Labyrinths represent a journey through life
- – they have frequently been used in 34 …………………… and prayer
Early examples of the labyrinth spiral
- Ancient carvings on 35 …………………… have been found across many cultures
- The Pima, a Native American tribe, wove the symbol on baskets
- Ancient Greeks used the symbol on 36 ……………………
Walking labyrinths
- The largest surviving example of a turf labyrinth once had a big 37 …………………… at its centre
Labyrinths nowadays
- Believed to have a beneficial impact on mental and physical health, e.g., walking a maze can reduce a person’s 38 …………………… rate
- Used in medical and health and fitness settings and also prisons
- Popular with patients, visitors and staff in hospitals
- – patients who can’t walk can use ‘finger labyrinths’ made from 39 ……………………
- – research has shown that Alzheimer’s sufferers experience less 40 ……………………
14. Bài 14
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO points do Thomas and Jeanne make about Thomas’s sporting activities at school?
A. He should have felt more positive about them.
B. The training was too challenging for him.
C. He could have worked harder at them.
D. His parents were disappointed in him.
E. His fellow students admired him.
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO feelings did Thomas experience when he was in Kenya?
A. disbelief
B. relief
C. stress
D. gratitude
E. homesickness
Questions 25-30
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
What comment do the students make about the development of each of the following items of sporting equipment?
Comments about the development of the equipment
A. It could cause excessive sweating.
B. The material was being mass produced for another purpose.
C. People often needed to make their own.
D. It often had to be replaced.
E. The material was expensive.
F. It was unpopular among spectators.
G. It caused injuries.
H. No one ring it liked it at first.
Items of sporting equipment
25. the table tennis bat ………………
26. the cricket helmet ………………
27. the cycle helmet ………………
28. the golf club ………………
29. the hockey stick ………………
30. the football ………………
15. Bài 15
Questions 31-38
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Facts about hair
– main purpose – warmth and 31……………………
– main component keratin – makes fingernails 32……………………
– full head of hair can support a large weight – equal to two 33……………………
– average number of strands of hair – 34…………………… for an adult
– large amount of money spent on 35…………………… for hair in the UK
Structure of hair
Three main parts:
a) bulb – like a 36…………………… over end of hair follicle
b) root – contains glands that supply 37…………………… to hair strand
c) shaft – not 38……………………
Questions 39-40
Complete the summary below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Health and Hair
Changes in diet will take longer to affect your hair than your 39……………………
Vitamin C, D and E are all important for healthy hair and 40…………………… are one of the best sources of Vitamin C.
16. Bài 16
Questions 21-25
Choose the correct letter; A, B or C
Food Waste
21. What point does Robert make about the 2013 study in Britain?
A. It focused more on packaging than wasted food.
B. It proved that households produced more waste than restaurants.
C. It included liquid waste as well as solid waste.
22. The speakers agree that food waste reports should emphasise the connection between carbon dioxide emissions and
A. food production.
B. transport of food to landfill sites.
C. distribution of food products.
23. Television programmes now tend to focus on
A. the nutritional value of food products.
B. the origin of food products.
C. the chemicals found in food products.
24. For Anna, the most significant point about food waste is
A. the moral aspect.
B. the environmental impact.
C. the economic effect.
25. Anna and Robert decide to begin their presentation by
A. handing out a questionnaire.
B. providing statistical evidence.
C. showing images of wasted food.
Questions 26-30
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30.
What advantage do the speakers identify for each of the following projects?
A. it should save time
B. it will create new jobs
C. it will benefit local communities
D. it will make money
E. it will encourage personal responsibility
F. it will be easy to advertise
G. it will involve very little cost
26. edible patch
27. ripeness centre
28. waste tracking technology
29. smartphone application
30. food waste composting
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