Bên cạnh Phân tích & Sửa đề"Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage some businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?" (ngày21/11/2020), IELTS cũng cung cấp Tổng hợp Section 3-4 topic Business (Advertising, Marketing, Media…) IELTS LISTENING (PDF).
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Tổng hợp Section 3 - 4 topic Business (Advertising, Marketing, Media…) IELTS LISTENING (PDF)
1. Bài 1
Questions 24-27
24. Mark is going to talk briefly about
A. Marketing new products.
B. pricing strategies.
C. managing large companies.
D. setting sales targets.
25. According to Susan, airfares are lowest when they
A. include weekend travel.
B. are booked well in advance.
C. are non-refundable.
D. are for business travel only.
26. Mark thinks revenue management is
A. interesting.
B. complicated.
C. time-consuming.
D. reasonable.
27. The airline companies want to
A. increase profits.
B. benefit the passenger.
C. sell cheap seats.
D. improve the service.
Questions 28-32
Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Two reasons for the new approach to pricing are: (28)…………………… and (29) ……………………
In future people will be able to book airline tickets (30) …………………………………………….
Also being marketed in this way are (31) ............................ and (32) ……………….............
2. Bài 2
Questions 33-37
Complete the table. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 38-42
Label the diagram. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
3. Bài 3
Question 21-25
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Question 26-30
Write the appropriate letters A-C against questions 26-30.
According to the speakers, in which situation are the following media most useful?
A. individual children
B. five or six children
C. whole class
26. tapes .............................
27. computers .............................
28. videos .............................
29. books .............................
30. wall maps .............................
4. Bài 4
5. Bài 5
Questions 21 - 24
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 25 - 27
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
25. What does Karin think the company will do?
A. look for private investors
B. accept a takeover offer
C. issue some new shares
26. How does the tutor suggest the company can recover?
A. by appointing a new managing director
B. by changing the way it is organised
C. by closing some of its retail outlets
27. The tutor wants Jason and Karin to produce a report which
A. offers a solution to Box Telecom's problems
B. analyses the UK market
C. compares different companies
Questions 28 - 30
Which opinion does each person express about Box Telecom?
Choose your answers from the box and write the letter A-F next to questions 28-30.
A. its workers are motivated
B. it has too little investment
C. it will overcome its problems
D. its marketing plan needs improvement
E. is is old-fashioned
F. it has strong marketing managers
28. Karin
29. Jason
30. the tutor
6. Bài 6
Questions 31-37
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
31. Some photographs of a horse running showed
A. all feet off the ground.
B. at least one foot on the ground.
C. two feet off the ground.
32. The Scotsman employed by Edison
A. designed a system to use the technology Edison had invited.
B. used available technology to make a new system.
C. was already an expert in motion picture technology.
33. One major problem with the first system was that
A. only one person could be filmed.
B. people could only see very short films.
C. the camera was very heavy.
34. Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had
A. been told about the American system.
B. seen the American system.
C. used the American system.
35. In 1895, a famous new system was developed by
A. a French team working alone.
B. a French and German team working together.
C. a German team who invented the word 'cinema'.
36. Longer filmes were not made at the time because of problems involving
A. the subject matters.
B. the camera.
C. the film projector.
37. The 'Lantham Loop' invention relied on
A. removing tension between the film reels.
B. adding three more films reels to the system.
C. making one of the film reels more effective.
Questions 38-40
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
38. The first motion picture was called The .....................
39. ................... were used for the first time on film in 1926.
40. Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its .................... .
7. Bài 7
Questions 21-24
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.
21. For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the ………………..
22. The method the students must use to collect data is ……………………….
23. In total, the students must interview ………………………. people.
24. Jack thinks the music preferences of …………………….. listeners are similar.
Questions 25-30
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Marketing Survey: Music Preferences
Age group of interviewee
- 25 or under
- 45 or over
Music preferences
- Pop
- 25 ……………………. .
- Fdk
- Easy listening
- 26 …………………….. .
Medium for listening to music
- Radio
- CD
- TV
- 27 …………………….. .
Source of music
- Music shops
- 28 …………………….. .
- Internet
Places for listening to music
- Disco
- Pub
- 29 …………………… .
- Concert hall
- 30 ………………….. .
8. Bài 8
Questions 21-23
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Individuals bring different:
- Ideas
- (21) ........................
- Learning experiences
Work behavior differences are due to:
- Personality
- (22) .......................
Effects of diversity on companies:
- Advantage: diversity develops (23) ......................
- Disadvantages: diversity can cause conflict
Questions 24-27
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
24. Janice thinks that employers should encourage workers who are
A. potential leaders
B. open to new ideas
C. good at teamwork
25. Janice suggests that managers may find it difficult to
A. form successful groups
B. balance conflicting needs
C. deal with uncooperative workers
26. Janice believes employers should look for job applicants who
A. can think independently
B. will obey the system
C. can solve problems
27. Janice believes managers should
A. demonstrate good behavior
B. encourage co-operation early on
C. increase financial incentives
Questions 28-30
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
28. All managers need to understand their employees and recognise their company’s ..................
29. When managing change, increasing the company’s ............. may be more important than employee satisfaction.
30. During periods of change, managers may have to cope with increased amounts of .................
9. Bài 9
Questions 31-34
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Trying to repeat success
31. Compared to introducing new business processes, attempts to copy existing processes are
A. more attractive.
B. more frequent
C. more straight forward.
32. Most research into the repetition of success in business has
A. been done outside the United States.
B. produced consistent findings
C. related to only a few contexts.
33. What does the speaker say about consulting experts?
A. Too few managers ever do it.
B. It can be useful in certain circumstances.
C. Experts are sometimes unwilling to give advice.
34. An expert’s knowledge about a business system may be incomplete because
A. some details are difficult for workers to explain
B. choose not to mention certain details.
C. details are sometimes altered by workers.
Questions 35-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Setting up systems based on an existing process
Two mistakes
Manager tries to:
- improve on the original process
- create an ideal 35……………………… from the best parts of several processes
Cause of problems
- information was inaccurate
- comparison between the business settings was invalid
- disadvantages were overlooked, e.g. effect of changes on 36 ……………………
- change 37 ……………………
- impose rigorous 38 …………………...
- copy original very closely
- – physical features of the 39 ……………………
- – the 40…………………… of original employees
10. Bài 10
Questions 31 - 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Business Cultures
Power culture
Characteristics of organisation:
- small
- 31 .............. power source
- few rules and procedures
- communications by 32 ....................................
- can act quickly
- might not act 33 .............
Suitable employee:
- not afraid of 34 ..............
- doesn't need job security
Role culture
Characteristics of organisation:
- large, many 35 ...............
- specialised departments
- few rules and procedures
- rules and procedure, e.g. job 36 ..................... and rules for discipline
- economies of scale
- successful when 37 ........ ability is important
- slow to see when 38 ........ is needed
- slow to react
Suitable employee:
- values security
- doesn't want 39 ................
Task culture
Characteristics of organisation:
- project orientated
- in competitive market or making product with short life
- a lot of delegation
- 40 .........................
- no economies of scale or special expertise
Suitable employee:
- likes to work in groups
11. Bài 11
Questions 31–40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
The Future of Management
Business markets
- greater 31 ................... among companies
- increase in power of large 32 .................. companies
- rising 33 .................... in certain countries
External influences on businesses
- more discussion with 34 ................. before making business decisions
- environmental concerns which may lead to more 35 .................................
Business structures
- more teams will be formed to work on a particular 36 .........................
- businesses may need to offer hours that are 37 .........................., or the chance to work remotely
Management styles
- increasing need for managers to provide good 38 ...........................
- changes influenced by 39 ....................... taking senior roles
Changes in the economy
- service sector continues to be important
- increasing value of intellectual property
- more and more 40 ............................... workers
12. Bài 12
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO skills did Laura improve as a result of her work placement?
A. communication
B. design
D. marketing
E. organisation
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO immediate benefits did the company get from Laura’s work placement?
A. updates for its software
B. cost savings
C. an improved image
D. new clients
E. a growth in sales
Questions 25-30
What source of information should Tim use at each of the following stages of the work placement?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 25-30.
Sources of information
A. company manager
B. company’s personnel department
C. personal tutor
D. psychology department
E. mentor
F. university careers officer
G. internet
Stages of the work placement procedure
25. obtaining booklet ………….
26. discussing options ………….
27. getting updates ………….
28. responding to invitation for interview ………….
29. informing about outcome of interview ………….
30. requesting a reference ………….
13. Bài 13
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Ethnography: research which explores human cultures
It can be used in business:
- to investigate customer needs and 31…………….
- to help companies develop new designs
Examples of ethnographic research in business
Kitchen equipment
- Researchers found that cooks could not easily see the 32…………….. in measuring cups.
Cell phones
- In Uganda, customers paid to use the cell phones of entrepreneurs.
- These customers wanted to check the 33…………….. used.
Computer companies
- There was a need to develop 34 ………. to improve communication between system administrators and colleagues.
- Nurses needed to access information about 35…………….. in different parts of the hospital.
- Respondents recorded information about their 36…………….. while travelling.
Principles of ethnographic research in business
- The researcher does not start off with a hypothesis.
- Participants may be selected by criteria such as age, 37………………. or product used.
- The participants must feel 38……………… about taking part in the research.
- There is usually direct 39………………. of the participants.
- The interview is guided by the participant.
- A lot of time is needed for the 40……………… of the data.
- Researchers look for a meaningful pattern in the data.
14. Bài 14
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Four business values
Many business values can result in 31……………… .
Senior managers need to understand and deal with the potential 32……………… that may result.
During a training course, the speaker was in a team that had to build a 33………………. .
Other teams experienced 34…………….. from trying to collaborate.
The speaker’s team won because they reduced collaboration.
Sales of a 35…………….. were poor because of collaboration.
Hard work may be a bad use of various company 36………………. .
The word ‘lazy’ in this context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are 37………………… .
An advertising campaign for a 38……………….. was memorable but failed to boost sales.
Creativity should be used as a response to a particular 39………………. .
According to one study, on average, pioneers had a 40……………… that was far higher than that of followers.
Companies that always aim at excellence may miss opportunities.
15. Bài 15
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Conflict at work
Conflict mostly consists of behaviour in the general category of 31……………..
Often a result of people wanting to prove their 32………………
Also caused by differences in 33……………… between people 34 ‘………………’ conflicts: people more concerned about own team than about company.
Conflict-related stress can cause 35……………. that may last for months.
Chief Executives (CEOs)
Many have both 36…………….. and anxiety
May not like to have their decisions questioned
There may be conflict between people who have different 37………………
Other managers
A structure that is more 38………………. may create a feeling of uncertainly about who staff should report to.
Minimising conflict
Bosses need to try hard to gain 39………………..
Someone from outside the company may be given the role of 40………………. in order to resolve conflicts.
16. Bài 16
Questions 21 – 26
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
What Hazel should analyse about items in newspapers:
- what 21……………… the item is on
- the 22……………… of the item, including the headline
- any 23…………….. accompanying the item
- the 24……………… of the item, e.g. what’s made prominent
- the writer’s main 25………………
- the 26……………… the writer may make about the reader
Questions 27-30
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 27-30.
What does Hazel decide to do about each of the following types of articles?
A. She will definitely look for a suitable article.
B. She may look for a suitable article.
C. She definitely won’t look for an article.
Types of articles
27. national news item ……………
28. editorial ……………
29. human interest ……………
30. arts ……………
17. Bài 17
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things do the students agree they need to include in their review of Romeo and Juliet?
A. analysis of the text
B. a summary of the plot
C. a description of the theatre
D. a personal reaction
E. a reference to particular scenes
Questions 23-27
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 23-27.
Which opinion do the speakers give about each of the following aspects of The Emporium’s production of Romeo and Juliet?
A. They both expected this to be more traditional.
B. They both thought this was original.
C. They agree this created the right atmosphere.
D. They agree this was a major strength.
E. They were both disappointed by this.
F. They disagree about why this was an issue.
G. They disagree about how this could be improved.
Aspects of the production
23. the set ……………….
24. the lighting ……………….
25. the costume design ……………….
26. the music ……………….
27. the actors’ delivery ……………….
Questions 28-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
28. The students think the story of Romeo and Juliet is still relevant for young people today because
A. it illustrates how easily conflict can start.
B. it deals with problems that families experience.
C. it teaches them about relationships.
29. The students found watching Romeo and Juliet in another language
A. frustrating.
B. demanding.
C. moving.
30. Why do the students think Shakespeare’s plays have such international appeal?
A. The stories are exciting.
B. There are recognisable characters.
C. They can be interpreted in many ways.
18. Bài 18
Questions 21-24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Holly’s Work Placement Tutorial
21. Holly has chosen the Orion Stadium placement because
A. it involves children.
B. it is outdoors.
C. it sounds like fun.
22. Which aspect of safety does Dr Green emphasise most?
A. ensuring children stay in the stadium
B. checking the equipment children will use
C. removing obstacles in changing rooms
23. What does Dr Green say about the spectators?
A. They can be hard to manage.
B. They make useful volunteers.
C. They shouldn’t take photographs.
24. What has affected the schedule in the past?
A. bad weather
B. an injury
C. extra time
Questions 25-30
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
What do Holly and her tutor agree is an important aspect of each of the following events management skills?
Important aspects
A. being flexible
B. focusing on details
C. having a smart appearance
D. hiding your emotions
E. relying on experts
F. trusting your own views
G. doing one thing at a time
H. thinking of the future
Events management skills
25. Communication ……………….
26. Organisation ……………….
27. Time management ……………….
28. Creativity ……………….
29. Leadership ……………….
30. Networking ……………….
19. Bài 19
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Maple syrup
What is maple syrup?
- made from the sap of the maple tree
- added to food or used in cooking
- colour described as 31 ……………………
- very 32 …………………… compared to refined sugar
The maple tree
- has many species
- needs sunny days and cool nights
- maple leaf has been on the Canadian flag since 1964
- needs moist soil but does not need fertiliser as well
- best growing conditions and 33 …………………… are in Canada and North America
Early maple sugar producers
- made holes in the tree trunks
- used hot 34 …………………… to heat the sap
- used tree bark to make containers for collection
- sweetened food and drink with sugar
Today’s maple syrup
The trees
- Tree trunks may not have the correct 35 …………………… until they have been growing for 40 years.
- The changing temperature and movement of water within the tree produces the sap.
The production
- A tap drilled into the trunk and a 36 …………………… carries the sap into a bucket.
- Large pans of sap called evaporators are heated by means of a 37 …………………… .
- A lot of 38 …………………… is produced during the evaporation process.
- ‘Sugar sand’ is removed because it makes the syrup look 39 …………………… and affects the taste.
- The syrup is ready for use.
- A huge quantity of sap is needed to make a 40 …………………… of maple syrup.
20. Bài 20
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Kite making by the Maori people of New Zealand
Making and appearance of kites
- The priests who made the kites had rules for size and scale
- (31) ..................... was not allowed during a kite’s preparation
- Often represented a god, a bird or a (32) ..................
- Had frames that were decorated with grasses and (33) ........................
- Had a line of noisy (34) .................. attached to them.
- Could be triangular, rectangular or (35) ..................... shaped.
- Had patterns made from clay mixed with (36) ................... oil.
- Sometimes had human head masks with (37) ................ and a tattoo.
Purpose and function of kites:
- A way of sending (38) ................ to the gods
- A way of telling other villages that a (39) .................... was necessary
- A means of (40) ................. if enemies were coming
21. Bài 21
Questions 21-25
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
21. Why has James chosen to do a case study on the company Furniture Rossi?
A. It has enjoyed global success.
B. It is still in a developmental phrase.
C. It is an example of a foreign company being rebranded for Australia.
22. According to James, why did Luca Rossi start a furniture company?
A. Furniture-making was already a family occupation.
B. Rossi saw a need for hand-crafted furniture.
C. The work Rossi had done previously was unrewarding.
23. What gave Furniture Rossi a competitive advantage over other furniture companies?
A. its staff
B. its lower prices
C. it locally sourced products
24. What does the tutor recommend James does when writing the second draft of his case study?
A. provide more detailed references
B. check for written accuracy
C. add his own views
25. What do the tutor and James agree was wrong with James’ last presentation?
A. It was too short.
B. It focused too much on statistics.
C. There was not enough interaction with the audience.
Questions 26-30
Complete the flowchart below.
Choose FIVE answers from the list below and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Question 26-30
A. website
B. locations
C. designs
D. TV advertising campaigns
E. quality
F. values
G. software programs
22. Bài 22
Questions 21-26
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Marketing report
21. Why did Leo choose instant coffee as the topic for his marketing report?
A. He found plenty of material on the topic.
B. He had some practical experience in the area.
C. He had an idea of a brand he wanted to target.
22. Leo discovered that in Australia, recent technological developments
A. are producing less healthy types of instant coffee.
B. are reducing the demand for instant coffee.
C. are improving the quality of instant coffee.
23. What do the speakers agree about Leo’s table of coffee products?
A. It needs more explanation in the text.
B. It is factually inaccurate in some places.
C. It would be best to put this in the appendix.
24. What do they decide about the description of Shaffers coffee as a market follower?
A. Leo needs to define his terms.
B. Leo needs to provide more evidence.
C. Leo needs to put it in a different section.
25. What does Anna say about originality in someone’s first marketing report?
A. Clear analysis of data can be considered original.
B. Graphs and diagrams should be original, not copied.
C. Reports should contain some original data collected by the student.
26. What difference between his school assignments and this report has surprised Leo?
A. not knowing the criteria for getting a good mark
B. being required to produce work without assistance
C. having to do a great deal of research
Questions 27-30
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Notes on specific sections of marketing report
Executive summary
- Give a brief overview including the 27 …………………..
- Link each problem to a 28 ………………….. which explains it
- Practical solutions to problems
- Include details such as participants, 29 ………………….. and sequence
- Section is often poorly done because of lack of 30 …………………..
- Don’t use new material here
23. Bài 23
Questions 21-27
Choose SEVEN answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 21-27.
What helped Stewart with each of the following stages in making his training film for museum employees?
What helped Stewart
A. advice from friends
B. information on a website
C. being allowed extra time
D. meeting a professional film maker
E. good weather conditions
F. getting a better computer
G. support of a manager
H. help from a family member
I. work on a previous assignment
Stages in making the training film for museum employees
21. Finding a location ………………
22. Deciding on equipment ………………
23. Writing the script ………………
24. Casting ………………
25. Filming ………………
26. Editing ………………
27. Designing the DVD cover ………………
Questions 28-30
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Stewart’s work placement: benefits to the Central Museum Association
- His understanding of the Association’s 28………………
- The reduction in expense
- increased co-operation between 29………………
- Continuous 30……………… which led to a better product
- Ideas for distribution of the film
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