Bên cạnh Phân tích đề thi "spend their leisure time with their colleagues" IELTS WRITING (kèm bài viết thi thật HS đạt 6.0), IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp Tổng hợp Section 1 IELTS LISTENING.
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Tổng hợp Section 1 IELTS LISTENING
1. Bài 1
Questions 1-5
Circle the appropriate letter.
What has the woman lost?
A(answer)a briefcase
B a suitcase
C a handbag
D a wallet

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 6-10
Name: Mary (6) ………………………………………………………………………
Address: (7) …………………………. (8)………………………………………… Road
Telephone: (9) ………………………………………………………………………
Estimated value of lost item: (10) £ …………………………………………………..
2. Bài 2
Complete the notes. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Her first impressions of the town. Example: Quiet
Type of accommodation 1 ..................................
Her feelings about the accommodation 2 ...........................
Her feelings about the other students 3 ...........................
Name of course: Environmental Studies
Difficulties experienced on the course 4 .........................
Suggestions for improving the course 5 ...........................
First type of accommodation 6 ...........................
Problem with the first accommodation 7 .......................
Second type of accommodation 8 ........................
Name of course 9 ...........................
Comments about the course: Computer room busy
Suggestions for improving the course 10 ...........................
3. Bài 3
Questions 1-4
Circle the appropriate letter.
How does the woman travel every day?
A by car
B by bus
C on foot
D by train
1. What are the parking regulations on campus?
A. undergraduate parking allowed
B. postgraduate parking allowed
C. staff parking only allowed
D. no student parking allowed
2. The administration office is in
A. Block B
B. Block D
C. Block E
D. Block G
3. If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:
A. wheel clamp your car
B. fine only
C. tow away your car and fine
D. tow away your car only
4. Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office?
Questions 5-10
Complete the application form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Application for parking sticker
Name (5) .......................................................................................
Address (6) Flat 13 .......................................................................
Suburb (7) .....................................................................................
Faculty (8) .....................................................................................
Registration number (9) ................................................................
Make of car (10) .............................................................................
Questions 11-12
11. Cashier’s office opens at: A 12.15 B 2.00 C 2.15 D 4.30
12. Where must the sticker be displayed? .................................................
4. Bài 4
Questions 1-5
Circle the appropriate letter.
Example: What are the students looking for?
A (answer) Main Hall
B Great Hall
C Old Hall
D Old Building
1. Where is the administration building?
2. How many people are waiting in the queue?
A 50 B 100 C 200 D 300
3. What does the woman order for lunch?
4. What does the woman order to drink?
5. How much money does the woman give the man?
A $2.00 B $3.00 C $3.50 D $5.00
Questions 6 - 10
Complete the registration form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Name of student: (6) .............................................................
Address: (7) Flat 5/ ................................................................
Town: (8) .................................................................................
Tel: (9) .....................................................................................
Course: (10) ...........................................................................
Questions 11 - 12
11. What did the man buy for her to eat?
12. What must the students do as part of registration at the university?
A Check the notice board in the Law Faculty
B Find out about lectures
C Organise tutorial groups
D Pay the union fees
5. Bài 5
Questions 1-5
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Surname Jones
First names: Louise Cynthia
Address: Apartment 1, 72 (1) .............................. Street Highbridge
Postcode: (2) ............................
Telephone: 9835 6712 (home)
(3) ................................ (work)
Driver's licence number: (4) ...........................................
Date of Birth: Day: 25th Month: (5) .................................. Year: 1977
Questions 6-8
Write THREE letters A-F.
What types of films does Louise like?
A Action
B Comedies
C Musicals
D Romance
E Westerns
F Wildlife
Questions 9 and 10
Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.
9. How much does it cost to join the library?
10. When will Louise's card be ready?
6. Bài 6
Questions 1 and 2
Circle the correct letters A-C.
Gavin moved into his apartment…
A two days ago.
(B) two weeks ago.
C two months ago.
1. Gavin’s apartment is located on the …
A ground floor.
B second floor.
C third floor.
2. The monthly rent for Gavin’s apartment is …
A $615.
B $650.
C $655.
Questions 3-6
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
(3)……………. $450
(4)……………. $1,150
Watches $2,000
CDs and (5)………… $400
Total annual cost of insurance (6) $………………….
Questions 7 - 10
Complete the form below. WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Name: Mr Gavin (7) ………………………
Address: (8)……………………… Biggins Street
Date of Birth: 12th November
Telephone: Home: 9872 4555
Nationality: (10)………………………
7. Bài 7
Questions 1- 4
Circle the correct letters A-C.
The respondent is...
A 20-33 years old
(B) 34-54 years old
C over 54 years old
1. The respondent works in...
A the professions.
B business.
C other.
2. The respondent has a salary of...
A 0 - £15,000 a year.
B £15,000 - £35,000 a year.
C over £35,000 a year.
3. The respondent watches TV for...
A relaxation.
B entertainment.
C information.
4. Every day the respondent watches TV for...
A 30 minutes-1 hour.
B 1 hour - 2 hours.
C more than 2 hours.
Questions 5-7
Choose two letters A-E for questions, 5-7.
5. The respondent mainly watches TV...
A in the early morning.
B around midday.
C in the afternoon.
D in the early evening.
E at night.
6. On the new channel, the respondent would like to see more...
A children's programmes.
B documentaries.
C local service programmes.
D travel programmes.
E health programmes.
7. The respondent would advise the new channel to...
A spend more money on drama.
B train their broadcasters to higher standards.
C improve sound quality.
D broadcast interviews with famous people.
E talk more to customers.
Questions 8-10
Circle the correct letters A-C.
8. The respondent feels that adverts should occur every...
A 10 minutes.
B 15 minutes.
C 20 minutes.
9. The respondent would like to attend special promotions if...
A expenses are paid.
B he is invited specially.
C they are held locally.
10. The respondent would like to receive...
A no mail.
B requested mail.
C all mail.
8. Bài 8
Questions 1 and 2:
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Address: Apartment 2, (1) ..............................................., Newton.
Length of lease: one year.
Date moved in: (2) ................................................................
Questions 3-9
Complete the table below. Write:
A if the repair will be done immediately.
B if the repair will be done during the following week.
C if the repair will be done in two or more weeks.
Question 10:
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.
Workman to call between (10)............................. and .................................
9. Bài 9
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.
Name of agent: Flagstone
Areas dealt with: (1) ……………………. north suburbs
Rent: from (2) £……………………. to £……………………. a month
Depends on:
– the area
– availability of (3) …………………….
– garage
Properties available:
– West Park Road
– rent (4) £……………………. a month
– including (5) …………………….
– Tithe Road
– rent £380 a month
– including (6) ……………………. rental
Viewing arrangements: meet at office on (7) ……………………. at 5.00 pm
– letter from bank
– reference from (8) …………………….
– give (9) ……………………. notice of moving in
– give deposit of (10) …………………….
– pay for contract
10. Bài 10
Questions 1-5
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.
11. Bài 11
Questions 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
NOTES – Christmas Dinner
Example: Number to book for
Answer: ...45...
Date of Dinner: 21 December
Choices for venue:
– First choice ➡️ (1) ……………………. Tel. number: not known
– Second choice ➡️ (2) ……………………. Tel. number: 777192
– Third choice ➡️ (3) ……………………. Tel. number: (4) …………………….
Price per person: £12
Restaurant must have: vegetarian food and a (5) …………………….
First course – French Onion Soup OR Fruit Juice
Main course – Roast Dinner OR (6) …………………….
Dessert – Plum Pudding OR Apple Pie
Restaurant requires from us:
(7) ……………………. and letter of confirmation
and we must (8) ……………………. in advance.
Must confirm in writing by: (9) …………………….
Put notice in (10) …………………….
12. Bài 12
Questions 3 - 5
Label the map. Choose your answers from the box below. Write the appropriate letters A-E.
Questions 6 - 10
13. Bài 13
Questions 1–4
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Number of trips per month. Answer: 5
Visit places which have:
- historical interest
- good 1 ...................
- 2 ..................
Cost: between 5.00 pounds and 15.00 pounds per person
Note: special trips organised for groups of 3.................. people
- departure – 8.30 a.m.
- return – 6.00 p.m.
To reserve a seat: sign name on the 4............................ 3 days in advance.
Questions 5 - 10
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
14. Bài 14
Questions 1–5
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
How long has Sally been waiting?
A five minutes
B twenty minutes
C thirty minutes
1 What does Peter want to drink?
A tea
B coffee
C a cold drink
2 What caused Peter problems at the bank?
A The exchange rate was down.
B He was late.
C The computers weren’t working.
3 Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
A an old friend
B an American man
C a German man
4 Henry gave Peter a map of
A the city.
B the bus routes.
C the train system.
5 What do Peter and Sally decide to order?
A food and drinks
B just food
C just drinks
Questions 6–8
Complete the notes below using words from the box.
Art Gallery
Tourist attractions open all day: 6 _______ and Gardens
Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: 7 _______ and Castle
Tourist attractions which have free entry: 8 _______ and Markets
Questions 9 and 10
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
9 The first place Peter and Sally will visit is the _______.
10 At the Cathedral, Peter really wants to _______.
15. Bài 15
Question 1-4
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answers.
Example Answer Name: Sara Lim |
Accommodation Request Form
Age: 23
Length of time in Australia; 1 _______
Present address: Flat 1, 539, 2_______ Road Canterbury 2036
Present course: 3_______ English
Accommodation required from: 4_______ 7th September
Questions 5-7
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
5 Sara requires a
A single room.
B twin room.
C triple room.
6 She would prefer to live with a
A family.
B single person.
C couple.
7 She would like to live in a
A flat.
B house.
C studio apartment.
Questions 8-10
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.
8. The _______ will be $320.
9. She needs to pay the rent by cash or cheque on a _______ basis.
10. She needs to pay her part of the _______ bill.
16. Bài 16
Questions 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Date: 22nd December
Venue: (1) …………………….
Invititations (Tony)
Who to invite:
– John and his wife
– Director
– the (2) …………………….
– all the teachers
– all the (3) …………………….
Date for sending invitations: (4) …………………….
Present (Lisa)
Collect money during the (5) …………………….
Suggested amount per person: (6) $…………………….
Check prices for:
– CD players
– (7) …………………….
– coffee maker
Ask guests to bring:
– snacks
– (8) …………………….
– (9) …………………….
Ask student representative to prepare a (10) …………………….
17. Bài 17
Questions 1-4
Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Dreamtime travel agency
Tour information
Example: Holiday name: Whale Watch Experience
Holiday length: 2 days
Type of transportation: 1 .............................
Maximum group size: 2 ...............................
Next tour date: 3 ...................................
Hotel name: 4 The ..................................
Questions 5 and 6
Choose two letters A-E.
Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour?
A. fishing trip
B. guided bushwalk
C. reptile park entry
D. table tennis
E. tennis
Questions 7-10
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN A WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
7. The tour costs $...................
8. Bookings must be made no later than ..................... days in advance.
9. A .................. deposit is required.
10. The customer's reference number is ..............................
18. Bài 18
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Minimum joining age
Answer: 18 years
For registration, must take:
- two 1................ and
- two forms of I.D. e.g. driving licence, 2 ......................
Cost to join per year (without current student card): 3 £ ...........................
Number of items allowed (members of public): 4 ....................
Loan times: four weeks
Fines start at 5 £ ...............................
Computers can be booked up to 6 .................... hours in advance
Library holds most national papers, all 7 ........................., and magazines
Need 8 ........................... to use photocopier
Creative Writing class
- tutor is John 9 ................................
- held on 10 .......................... evenings
19. Bài 19
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Make: Lida
Engine size: 1 ............................
Model: Max
Type of gears: 2 .......................
Preferred colour: 3 ......................... blue
Customer wishes to arrange: 4 ..............................
Part exchange? yes
Name: Wendy 5 ............................
Title: 6 ...............................
- 20, Green Banks
- 7..............................
- Hampshire
Postcode: GU8 9EW
Contact number: 8 (for ....................... only) 0798257643
Make: Conti
- Name 9........................
- Year: 1994
Mileage: maximum 70,000
Colour: metallic grey
Condition: 10 .............................
20. Bài 20
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Name
Answer:Jenny Chan
Present address: Sea View Guest House, 1 ...........................
Daytime phone number: 2237676
- [NB Best lime to contact is 2 ...........................]
Age: 19
Intended length of stay: 3 ..............................
Occupation while in UK: student
General level of English: 4 .....................
Preferred location: in the 5 .........................
Special diet: 6 ...........................
Other requirements:
- own facilities
- own television
- 7 .....................
- to be 8 ......................
Maximum price: 9 £ .......................... a week
Preferred starting date: 10 ......................
21. Bài 21
Questions 1-4
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Notes on sports club
Name of club: Flagstone
Facilities available: Golf
- 1 ...................
- 2 ....................
Classes available:
- Kick-boxing
- 3 ......................
Additional facility: 4.......................(restaurant opening soon)
Questions 5-8
Choose the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS for each answer.
Questions 9-10
Complete the sentences below, using ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
9. To join the centre, you need to book an instructor's ...............................
10. To book a trial session, speak to David ....................... (0458 95311).
22. Bài 22
Questions 1-5
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Workshops organised every: Saturday
Adults must accompany children under 1 ......................
Cost: £2.50
Workshops held in: Winter House, 2................... Street
Security device: must push the 3 .................... to open door
Should leave car behind the 4 ........................
Book workshops by phoning the 5 .................... (on 200765)
Questions 6-10
Choose the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Next two workshops
23. Bài 23
Questions 1 - 10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Application for a Current bank account
Type of current account: The 1 ‘ _______ ‘ account
Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes
Date of birth: 2 _______
Joint account holder(s): No
Current address: 3 _______ Exeter
Time at current address: 4 _______
Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland
Telephone: work 5_______ home 796431
Occupation: 6 _______
Identity (security): Name of his 7_______ Siti
Opening sum: 8 € _______ to be transferred from Fransen Bank, Utrecht
Statements: Every 9 _______
Requests: Supply information about the bank’s 10_______ service.
24. Bài 24
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND I OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example : Title of conference:
Answer: Future Direction in Computing
Three day cost: 1 £ _______
Payment by 2_______ or on arrival
Conference Centre
3 £_______ per night
near to conference rooms
Guest House
- 4 £_______ per night
- approximately 5_______ walk from Conference centre
Further documents to be sent:
- 6_______
- an application form
- Conference Centre is on 7_______ Park Road, next to the 8_______
- Taxi costs 9 £_______ or take bus number 10_______ from station.
25. Bài 25
Questions 1-5
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Transport from Airport to Milton
(Example) Distance: 147 miles
Car hire:
– don’t want to drive
(1) _______
– expensive
Greyhound bus
– $15 single, $27.50 return
– direct to the 2_______
– long 3_______
Airport Shuttle
– 4_______service
– every 2 hours
– $35 single, $65 return
– need to 5_______
Questions 6-10
Complete the booking form below. Write ONE WORD OR/AND A NUMBER for each answer.
To: Milton
Date: 6_______
No of Passengers: One
Bus Time: 7_______ PM
Type of ticket: Single
Name: Janet 8_______
Flight No: 9_______
From: London Heathrow
Address in Milton: Vacation Motel, 24, Kitchener Street
Fare: $35
Credit Card No: (Visa) 10_______
26. Bài 26
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER.
Name: Patrick Jones
Address: (1) ..................., Greendale
Contact number: 730453
Occupation: (2) .......................
Size of car engine: 1200cc
Type of car:
- Manufacturer: Hewton
- Model: (3) ....................
- Year: 1997
Previous insurance company: (4) .......................
Any insurance claims in the last five year? Yes
If yes, give brief details: Car was (5) ..............in 1999
Name(s) of other driver(s): Simon (6) ....................
Relationship to main driver: (7) ...........................
Uses of car:
- Social
- (8) .....................
Start date: 31st January
Recommended insurance arrangement
Name of company: (9) ........................
Annual Cost: (10) $.......................
27. Bài 27
Questions 1 and 2
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Types of job required: Part-time
Student is studying 1_______
Student is in the 2_______ year of the course.
Questions 3–5
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Questions 6–10
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND OR A NUMBER for each answer.
28. Bài 28
Questions 1-6
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Surname Answer: – Yuichini
First name: 1 __________
Sex: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Passport number: 2 __________
Age: 28 years
Present address: Room 21C, Willow College
Length of homestay: Approx 3 _________
Course enrolled in: 4 _______________
Family preferences:
- no 5 ____________
- no objection to 6 __________
Questions 7-10
Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
7. What does the student particularly like to eat? ___________
8. What sport does the student play? __________
9. What mode of transport does the student prefer? _________
10. When will the student find out her homestay address? _______
29. Bài 29
Questions 1 and 2
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
In the library George found
A. a book.
B. a brochure.
C. a newspaper.
1. In the lobby of the library George saw
A. a group playing music.
B. a display of instruments.
C. a video about the festival.
2. George wants to sit at the back so they can
A. see well.
B. hear clearly.
C. pay less.
Questions 3-10
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
30. Bài 30
Questions 1-3
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER.
Example: Name: Michael Alexander
Address: 24 Mainly Street, (1) ..............., Sydney
Shipping agent: (2) ..................
Place of origin: China
Date of arrival: (3) ...................
Reference number: 601ACK
Questions 4-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
31. Bài 31
Questions 1-3
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.
Rented Properties Customer’s Requirements
Name: Steven Godfrey
Example: No. of bedrooms: 4
Preferred location: in the (1) ____________ area of town
Maximum monthly rent: (2) £ ____________
Length of let required: (3) ____________
Starting: September 1st
Questions 4-8
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.
Questions 9 and 10
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment?
A museum
B concert hall
C cinema
D sports centre
E swimming pool
32. Bài 32
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.
Example: Newspaper advert for temporary staff
Vacancies for (1) .............................
Two shifts
Can choose your (2) ............................ (must be the same each week)
Pay: £5.50 per hour including a (3) ........................
A (4) ...................... is provided in the hotel
Total weekly pay: £231
Dress: a white shirt and (5) ....................... trousers (not supplied), a (6) .................... (supplied)
Starting date: (7) .............................
Call Jane (8) ........................... (service manage) before 9 ............................ tomorrow (Tel: 832009)
She will require a (10) .............................
33. Bài 33
Questions 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Work at: a restaurant
Type of work: 1…………………..
Number of hours per week: 12 hours
Would need work permit
Work in the: 2 .................... branch
Nearest bus stop: next to 3 ..............................
Pay: 4 £………………..an hour
Extra benefits
- a free dinner
- extra pay when you work on 5 .,................
- transport home when you work 6 …………….
Qualities required:
- 7 ………………………..
- ability to 8 ..........……………….
Interview arranged for: Thursday 9………………….at 6 pm.
Bring the names of two referees
Ask for: Samira 10 ...........................
34. Bài 34
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: Type of accommodation: hall of residence
Name: Anu (1) ...............................
Date of birth: (2) ............................
Country of origin: India
Course of study: (3) ......................
Number of years planned in hall: (4) ...............................
Preferred catering arrangement: half board
Special dietary requirements: no (5) .................... (red)
Preferred room type: a single (6) ............................
Interests: the (7) .................... badminton
Priorities in choice of hall:
- To be with other students who are (8) ....................
- To live outside the (9) ...........................
- To have a (10) ..................... area for socializing
Contact phone number: 667549
35. Bài 35
Questions 1-5
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 6-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
36. Bài 36
Questions 1-4
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Questions 5-6
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of the following are offered tree of charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?
A acupuncture
B employment medicals
C sports injury therapy
D travel advice
E vaccinations
Questions 7-10
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
37. Bài 37
Questions 1-6
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Example: Name: ...Andrea Brown......
Address: 24 1 ..................... Road
Postcode: BH5 2OP
Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091
Heard about company from: 2 ........................
Possible self-drive tours
Trip One:
• Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some 3 ................. parks with her children
• Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a 4 .....................
Trip Two:
• Customer wants to see the 5 ............. on the way to Cambria
• At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping
• At San Diego, wants to spend time on the 6 ......................
Questions 7-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
38. Bài 38
Questions 1–10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Transport Survey
Example: Travelled to town today: by bus
Name: Luisa 1 ............................
Address: 2 ......................... White Stone Rd
Area: Bradfield
Postcode: 3 ...........................
Occupation: 4 ...........................
Reason for visit to town: to go to the 5 ...........................
Suggestions for improvement:
- better 6 ........................
- have more footpaths
- more frequent 7 .......................
Things that would encourage cycling to work:
- having 8 ........................ parking places for bicycles
- being able to use a 9 ................. at work
- the opportunity to have cycling 10 ................ on busy roads
39. Bài 39
Question 1 - 10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.
Early Learning Children Centre Enrolment Form
Example: Parent or guardian: Carol Smith
Personal Details:
Child’s name: Kate
Age: 1 ..................
Address: 2................. Road, Woodside 4032
Phone: 33459865
Childcare information
Days enrolled for: Monday and 3...............
Start time: 4.................am
Childcare group: the 5....................group
Which meals are required each day? 6 .......................
Medical conditions: needs 7 ....................
Emergency contact: Jenny 8 ......................... Phone: 33467523
Relationship to child: 9 ....................
Will pay each 10 ......................
40. Bài 40
Questions 1-6
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Example: Customer heard about Thorndyke’s from a friend
Name: Edith 1 .........................
- Flat 4,
- 2 .................. Park Flats
- (Behind the 3 ...................)
Phone number: 875934
Best time to contact customer: during the 4 ......................
Where to park: opposite entrance next to the 5 ....................
Needs full quote showing all the jobs and the 6 .......................
Questions 7-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
41. Bài 41
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: the Main Hall - seats 200
- Room and cost
- the 1 ................... Room - seats 100
- Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening:
- 2 £ ...................
- + £250 deposit (3 .................... payment is required)
- Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also 4 .......................
- Additional charge for use of the kitchen: £25
- Before the event
- Will need a 5 .................. licence
- Need to contact caretaker (Mr Evans) in advance to arrange 6 ....................
- During the event
- The building is no smoking
- The band should use the 7 ................. door at the back
- Don’t touch the system that controls the volume
- For microphones, contact the caretaker
- After the event
- Need to know the 8 ................. for the cleaning cupboard
- The 9 ................... must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags
- All 10 .................... must be taken down
- Chairs and tables must be piled up
42. Bài 42
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Enquiry about joining youth council
Example: Name: Roger Brown
Age: 18
Currently staying in a 1 ................... during the week
Postal address: 2 17,.................... Street, Stamford, Lines
Postcode: 3 .........................
Occupation: student and part-time job as a 4 .........................
Studying 5 .................. (major subject) and history (minor subject)
Hobbies: does a lot of 6 ..................., and is interested in the 7 ......................
On Youth Council, wants to work with young people who are 8 .....................
Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at 9 ................. pm
Mobile number: 10 .................
43. Bài 43
Questions 1-6
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Free activities in the Burnham area
Example: The caller wants to find out about events on
A 27 June.
B 28 June.
C 29 June.
1. The ‘Family Welcome’ event in the art gallery begins at
A 10 am.
B 10.30 am.
C 2 pm.
2. The film that is now shown in the ‘Family Welcome’ event is about
A sculpture.
B painting.
C ceramics.
3. When do most of the free concerts take place?
A in the morning
B at lunchtime
C in the evening
4. Where will the 4 pm concert of Latin American music take place?
A in a museum
B in a theatre
C in a library
5. The boat race begins at
A Summer Pool.
B Charlesworth Bridge.
C Offord Marina.
6. One of the boat race teams
A won a regional competition earlier this year.
B has represented the region in a national competition.
C has won several regional competitions.
Questions 7-10
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Paxton Nature Reserve
7. Paxton is a good place for seeing rare .............. all year round.
8. This is a particularly good time for seeing certain unusual ....................
9. Visitors will be able to learn about .................. and then collect some.
10. Part of the .................... has been made suitable for swimming.
44. Bài 44
Questions 1 – 7
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
45. Bài 45
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Cruise on a lake
Example: Travel on an old.........steamship.........
- Can take photos of the 1 ................. that surround the lake
Farm visit
- Children can help feed the sheep
- Visit can include a 40-minute ride on a 2 ......................
- Visitors can walk in the farm’s 3 ................. by the lake
- 4 .................. is available at extra cost
Cycling trips
- Cyclists explore the Back Road
- A 5 .................. is provided
- Only suitable for cyclists who have some 6 .........................
- Bikes can be hired from 7 ....................... (near the Cruise Ship Terminal)
- Cyclists need:
- a repair kit
- food and drink
- a 8 .................... (can be hired)
- There are no 9 ..................... or accommodation in the area
- Total cost for whole family of cruise and farm visit: 10 $ .....................
46. Bài 46
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Events during Kenton Festival
Example: Start date: ……….16th………. May
Opening ceremony (first day)
- In town centre, starting at 1…………….
- The mayor will make a speech
- A 2…………… will perform
- Performance of a 3……………. About Helen Tungate (a 4…………….)
- Evening fireworks display situated across the 5……………..
Other events
- Video about relationships that children have with their 6……………
- Venue: 7……………. House
- Performance of 8……………. Dances
- Venue: the 9…………….. market in the town centre
- Time: 2 and 5 pm every day except 1st day of festival
- Several professional concerts and one by children
- Venue: library
- Time: 6.30 pm on the 18th
- Tickets available online from festival box office and from shops which have the festival 10……………. in their windows.
47. Bài 47
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Example: The library re-opened last ……month…….
The library now has
- a seating area with magazines
- an expanded section for books on 1…………….
- a new section on local 2……………
- a community room for meetings (also possible to 3……………. there)
- a new section of books for 4…………….
For younger children
- the next Science Club meeting: experiments using things from your 5……………
- Reading Challenge: read six books during the holidays
For adults
- this Friday: a local author talks about a novel based on a real 6……………
- IT support is available on Tuesday – no 7……………. is necessary
- free check of blood 8…………… and cholesterol levels (over 60s only)
Other information
- the library shop sells wall-charts, cards and 9……………
- evenings and weekends: free 10…………… is available
48. Bài 48
Question 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Cycle tour leader: Applicant enquiry
Example: Name: Margaret Smith
About the applicant:
- Wants a 1 .................. job
- Will soon start work as a 2 ...............
- Has led cycle trips in 3 ..................
- Interested in being a leader of a cycling trip for families
- Is currently doing voluntary work with members of a 4 .............. club
- Available for five months from the 1st of 5 ................
- Can’t eat 6 ........................
Contact details:
- Address: 27 7 .................. Place, Dumfries
- Postcode: 8 .....................
- Interview at 2.30 pm on 9 .....................
- Will plan a short 10 ................... about being a tour guide
49. Bài 49
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
50. Bài 50
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
South City Cycling Club
Example: Name of club secretary: Jim …..Hunter…..
- Full membership costs $260; this covers cycling and 1……………… all over Australia
- Recreational membership costs $108
- Cost of membership includes the club fee and 2 .................
- The club kit is made by a company called 3………………
Training rides
- Chance to improve cycling skills and fitness
- Level B: speed about 4…………….. kph
- Weekly sessions
- Tuesdays at 5.30 am, meet at the 5………………
- Thursdays at 5.30 am, meet at the entrance to the 6……………….
Further information
- Rides are about an hour and a half
- Members often have 7……………… together afterwards
- There is not always a 8…………….. with the group on these rides
- Check and print the 9……………… on the website beforehand
- Bikes must have 10……………….
51. Bài 51
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Moving to Banford City
Example: Linda recommends living in suburb of: …..Dalton…..
- Average rent: 1 £…………… a month
- Linda travels to work by 2……………
- Limited 3…………… in city centre
- Trains to London every 4……………. Minutes
- Poor train service at 5……………
Advantages of living in Banford
- New 6…………… opened recently
- 7…………… has excellent reputation
- Good 8…………… on Bridge Street
Meet Linda
- Meet Linda on 9………….. after 5.30 pm
- In the 10…………… opposite the station
52. Bài 52
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Alex’s Training
Example: Alex complete his training in …..2014……
About the applicant:
- At first, Alex did his training in the 1……………… department.
- Alex didn’t have a qualification from school in 2……………… .
- Alex thinks he should have done the diploma in 3……………… skills.
- Age of other trainees: the youngest was 4………………. .
Benefits of doing training at JPNW:
- Lots of opportunities because of the size of the organisation.
- Trainees receive the same amount of 5……………… as permanent staff.
- The training experience increases people’s confidence a lot.
- Trainees go to 6…………….. one day per month.
- The company is in a convenient 7……………… .
Advice for interview:
- Don’t wear 8………………. .
- Don’t be 9………………. .
- Make sure you 10……………… .
53. Bài 53
Question 1 - 10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Type of crime: theft
Personal information
Example: Name Louise Taylor
Nationality 1 .........................
Date of birth: 14 December 1977
Occupation: interior designer
Reason for visit business (to buy antique 2 ..............)
Length of stay: two months
Current address 3 ................. Apartments (No 15)
Details of theft
Items stolen
- a wallet containing approximately £4...............
- a 5......................
Date of theft 6 .........................
Possible time and place of theft
Location outside the 7 ................... at about 4 pm
Details of suspect
- some boys asked for the 8 ................ then ran off
- one had a T-shirt with a picture of a tiger
- he was about 12, slim build with 9 ................hair
Crime reference number allocated
- 10 ....................
54. Bài 54
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Personal information
Example: Name Julie Anne ……Garcia…..
Contact phone 1…………………
Date of birth 2…………………, 1992
Occupation works as a 3………………….
Insurance company 4…………………. Life Insurance
Details of the problem
Type of problem pain in her left 5…………………..
When it began 6…………………. ago
Action already taken has taken painkillers and applied ice
Other information
Sports played
- belongs to a 7…………………. club
- goes 8…………………. Regularly
Medical history
- injured her 9………………… last year
- no allergies
- no regular medication apart from 10………………..
55. Bài 55
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Flanders Conference Hotel
Example: Customer Services Manager: …………Angela………..
Date available
- weekend beginning February 4th
Conference facilities
- the 1 …………………………. room for talks (projector and 2 ………………………….. available)
- area for coffee and an 3 …………………………
- free 4 …………………………… throughout
- a standard buffet lunch costs 5 $ …………………………….. per head
- Rooms will cost 6 $ ……………………………… including breakfast.
Other facilities
- The hotel also has a spa and rooftop 7 ……………………………..
- There’s a free shuttle service to the 8 ……………………………….
- Wilby Street (quite near the 9 …………………………)
- near to restaurants and many 10 ……………………………..
56. Bài 56
Question 1 - 7
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Enquiry about booking hotel room for event
Example: Andrew is the Events Manager
- Adelphi Room
- number of people who can sit down to eat: 1 ......................
- has a gallery suitable for musicians
- can go out and see the 2 ................... in pots on the terrace
- terrace has a view of a group of 3 ......................
- Carlton Room
- number of people who can sit down to eat: 110
- has a 4 .......................
- view of the lake
- Master of Ceremonies:
- can give a 5 ..................... while people are eating
- will provide 6 ..................... if there are any problems
- Accommodation: in the hotel rooms or 7 ...................
Question 8 - 10
What is said about using each of the following hotel facilities?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A, B or C.
List of Findings
A. included in cost of hiring room
B. available at extra charge
C. not available
Hotel facilities
8. outdoor swimming pool
9. gym
10. tennis courts
57. Bài 57
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Bankside Recruitment Agency
- Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
- Name of agent: Becky 1……………
- Phone number: 07866 510333
- Best to call her in the 2……………
Typical jobs
- Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
- Must have good 3……………… skills
- Jobs are usually for at least one 4………………..
- Pay is usually 5 £…………….. per hour
Registration process
- Wear a 6………………. to the interview
- Must bring your 7……………….. to the interview
- They will ask questions about each applicant’s 8……………….
Advantages of using an agency
- The 9………………. you receive at interview will benefit you
- Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised
- Less 10……………… is involved in applying for jobs
58. Bài 58
Question 1 - 4
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Questions 5-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
- Making 5…………….. food
- (children only) Making 6……………..
- (adults only) Making toys from 7……………… using various tools
Outdoor activities
- Swimming in the 8………………
- Walking in the woods, led by an expert on 9……………….
See the festival organiser’s 10………………. for more information.
59. Bài 59
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Employment Agency: Possible Jobs
First Job
Administrative assistant in a company that produces 1…………….. (North London)
- data entry
- go to 2……………. and take notes
- general admin
- management of 3……………..
- good computer skills including spreadsheets
- good interpersonal skills
- attention to 4……………..
- need a minimum of 5…………… of experience of teleconferencing
Second Job
Warehouse assistant in South London
- stock management
- managing 6…………….
- ability to work with numbers
- good computer skills
- very organised and 7……………
- good communication skills
- used to working in a 8…………….
- able to cope with items that are 9……………..
Need experience of
- driving in London
- warehouse work
- 10…………… service
60. Bài 60
Question 1 - 10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer details
Name: Sophie Bird
Occupation: 1 ...........................
Reason for travel today: 2 ........................
Journey information
Name of station returning to: 3 ........................
Type of ticket purchased: Standard 4 .......................... ticket
Cost of ticket: 5...................... £
When ticket was purchased: Yesterday
Where ticket was bought: 6 ..............................
Satisfaction with journey
Most satisfied with: the wifi
Least satisfied with: the 7 ........................ this morning
Satisfaction with station facilities
Most satisfied with: how much 8 ...................... was provided
Least satisfied with: lack of seats, particularly on the 9 ...........................
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with: the 10 ......................... available
61. Bài 61
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Children’s Engineering Workshops
Tiny Engineers (ages 4-5)
- Create a cover for an 1 ………………… so they can drop it from a height without breaking it.
- Take part in a competition to build the tallest 2 ………………… .
- Make a 3 ………………… powered by a balloon.
Junior Engineers (ages 6-8)
- Build model cars, trucks and 4 ………………… and learn how to program them so they can move.
- Take part in a competition to build the longest 5 ………………… using card and wood.
- Create a short 6 ………………… with special software.
- Build, 7 ………………… and program a humanoid robot.
Cost for a five-week block: £50
Held on 8 ………………… from 10 am to 11 am
Building 10A, 9 ………………… Industrial Estate, Grasford
Plenty of 10 ………………… is available.
62. Bài 62
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Copying photos to digital format
Name of company: Picturerep
- Maximum size of photos is 30 cm, minimum size 4 cm.
- Photos must not be in a 1 ……………… or an album.
- The cost for 360 photos is 2 £……………… (including one disk).
- Before the complete order is sent, 3 ……………… is required.
Services included in the price
- Photos can be placed in a folder, e.g. with the name 4 ……………… .
- The 5 ……………… and contrast can be improved if necessary.
- Photos which are very fragile will be scanned by 6 ……………… .
Special restore service (costs extra)
- It may be possible to remove an object from a photo, or change the 7 ……………… .
- A photo which is not correctly in 8 ……………… cannot be fixed.
Other information
- Orders are completed within 9 ……………… .
- Send the photos in a box (not 10 ………………).
63. Bài 63
Question 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.
The course focuses on skills and safety.
- Charlie would be placed in Level 5.
- First of all, children at this level are taken to practise in a 1 ......................
- Instructors wear 2 ...................... shirts.
- A 3 .................... is required and training is given.
- The size of the classes is limited.
- There are quiet times during the morning for a 4 ..................... or a game.
- Classes are held even if there is 5 ...........................
What to bring
- a change of clothing
- a 6 .....................
- shoes (not sandals)
- Charlie's 7 .......................
Day 1
- Charlie should arrive at 9.20 am on the first day.
- Before the class, his 8 ..................... will be checked.
- He should then go to the 9 .................. to meet his class instructor.
- The course costs 10 $ ..................... per week.
64. Bài 64
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Holiday rental
Owner’s names: Jack Fitzgerald and Shirley Fitzgerald
Granary Cottage
- available for week beginning 1 …………….. May
- cost for the week: 2 £……………..
3 …………….. Cottage
- cost for the week: £480
- building was originally a 4 ……………..
- walk through doors from living room into a 5 ……………..
- several 6 …………….. spaces at the front
- bathroom has a shower
- central heating and stove that burns 7 ……………..
- views of old 8 …………….. from living room
- view of hilltop 9 …………….. from the bedroom
- deposit: £144
- deadline for final payment: end of 10 ……………..
65. Bài 65
Question 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Buckworth Conservation Group
Regular activities
- making sure the beach does not have 1 ................... on it
- no 2 ......................
Nature reserve
- maintaining paths
- nesting boxes for birds installed
- next task is taking action to attract 3 .................. to the place
- identifying types of 4 ....................
- building a new 5 ....................
Forthcoming events
- meet at Dunsmore Beach car park
- walk across the sands and reach the 6 .....................
- take a picnic
- wear appropriate 7 ....................
Woodwork session
- suitable for 8 .................. to participate in
- making 9 .................. out of wood
- 17th, from 10 a.m. to 3p.m.
- cost of session (no camping): £ 10 ...................
66. Bài 66
Question 1 - 7
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Opportunities for voluntary work in Southoe village
- Help with 1 ................... books (times to be arranged)
- Help needed to keep 2 ................... of books up to date
- Library is in the 3 .................... Room in the village hall
Lunch club
- Help by providing 4 ..................
- Help with hobbies such as 5 ....................
Help for individuals needed next week
- Taking Mrs Carroll to 6 .....................
- Work in the 7 ................... at Mr Selsbury's house
Question 8 - 10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
67. Bài 67
Question 1 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Advice on surfing holidays
Jack's advice
- Recommends surfing for 1 ................ holidays in the summer
- Need to be quite 2 ......................
Irish surfing locations
- County Clare
- Lahinch has some good quality 3 .................. and surf schools
- There are famous cliffs nearby
- County Mayo
- Good surf school at 4 .............. beach
- Surf camp lasts for one 5 ...................
- Can also explore the local 6 ................... by kayak
- Best month to go: 7 .......................
- Average temperature in summer: approx. 8................... degrees
- Equipment
- Wetsuit and surfboard: 9 .................. euros per day
- Also advisable to hire 10 .................. for warmth
68. Bài 68
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Easy Life Cleaning Services
Basic cleaning package offered
- Cleaning all surfaces
- Cleaning the 1 …………………… throughout the apartment
- Cleaning shower, sinks, toilet etc.
Additional services agreed
- Every week
- Cleaning the 2 ……………………
- Ironing clothes – 3 …………………… only
- Every month
- Cleaning all the 4 …………………… from the inside
- Washing down the 5 ……………………
Other possibilities
- They can organise a plumber or an 6 …………………… if necessary.
- A special cleaning service is available for customers who are allergic to 7 ……………………
Information on the cleaners
- Before being hired, all cleaners have a background check carried out by the 8 ……………………
- References are required.
- All cleaners are given 9 …………………… for two weeks.
- Customers send a 10 …………………… after each visit.
- Usually, each customer has one regular cleaner.
69. Bài 69
Question 1 - 6
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Details of run
Example: Day of Park Run: Saturday
Start of run: in front of the 1 .....................
Time of start: 2 ..........................
Length of run: 3 ..............................
At end of run: volunteer scans 4 ........................
Best way to register: on the 5 ............................
Cost of run: £ 6 .....................
Question 7 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each question.
Contact name: Pete 7 ....................
Phone number: 8 ..........................
Activities: setting up course
9 ................... the runners
10 .................. for the weekly report
70. Bài 70
Question 1 - 6
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Short Story Competition
Entry Details
Example: Cost of entry: £5
Length of story: approximately 1 ...............................
Story must include: a 2 ..........................
Minimum age: 3 .....................................
Last entry date: 1st 4 ..............................
Web address: www. 5...........................com
Don’t: 6 ...................... the story to the organisers
Question 7 - 10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Judging and Prize Details
The competition is judged by 7 ..........................
The top five stories will be available 8 .........................
The top story will be chosen by the 9 ........................
The first prize is a place at a writers’ workshop in 10 ...........................
71. Bài 71
Question 1 - 5
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example: First name: Harry
Last name: 1 ..................................
Date of birth: Day: 11th, Month: December, Year: 2 .............................
Type of Membership: 3 ..................................
Activities: Badminton and 4 ..............................
Payment details: Total: £450
To be paid 5 .............................
Question 6 - 10
Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Lifestyle questionnaire
What exercise do you do regularly? 6 ............................
Do you have any injuries? Has a 7 ..............................
What is your goal or target? A better 8 ........................
What is your occupation? A 9 ......................................
How did you hear about the club? 10 .........................
72. Bài 72
Question 1 - 6
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Community Centre Evening Classes

Question 7 - 10
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
7. The watercolours class suits people who are .........................
8. To find out about the Maori language class, contact Jason .....................
9. For the photography class, check the .................... for the camera.
10. There is a trip to a local ........................ in the final week of photography class.
73. Bài 73
Question 1 - 10
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
City Transport Lost Property Enquiry
Example: Main item lost: suitcase
Description of main item: black with thin 1 .....................stripes
Other items:
- a set of 2 ................. keys
- Some documents
- A 3 .................. in a box
- A blue 4 .....................
Journey details
Date and time: 2.00 - 2.30 pm on 5 .....................
Basic route: caller travelled from the 6 ..................... to Highbury.
Mode of travel: caller thinks she left the suitcase in a 7 .........................
Personal details
Name: Lisa 8 .......................
Address: 15A 9 ...................... Rd, Highbury
Phone number 10 .......................
74. Bài 74
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.
Accommodation form: rental properties
Name: Jane Ryder
Contact phone number: (1) (0044)……………………
Email address: (2) richard@………………….. co.uk
Occupation: a local (3)……………………………….
Type of accommodation:
- a 2 bedroom apartment wanted (must have its own (4)………………. )
- No (5)…………………..…… required(family bringing theirs )
- a (6)……………. in the kitchen is preferable
Preferred location: near a (7)…………………
Maximum rent: (8)…………….. per month
Other requests: the accommodation has to be (9)…………………. in the daytime
How did you first hear about us? Through a (10)…………………….
75. Bài 75
Question 1 - 6
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Hostel accommodation in Darwin
Questions 7-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Kangaroo lodge
Address: on (7)……………………. Lane
General information about hostel accommodation
- Sheets are provided
- Can hire a (8)……………………
- (9)………………… is included
- a shared (10)…………… is available
76. Bài 76
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Hilary Lodge Retirement Home
Example: The name of the manager is Cathy
Activities programme involving volunteers
Monday evenings: computer training
- Training needed in how to produce 1………………
Tuesday afternoons: singing
- The home has a 2……………… and someone to play it
Thursday mornings: growing 3………………
- The home doesn’t have many 4……………… for gardening
Once a month: meeting for volunteers and staff
- Go in on 5……………… , any time
- Interview with assistant called 6………………
- Address of home: 73 7……………… Road
‘Open house’ days
- Agreed to help on 8………………
- Will show visitors where to 9………………
- Possibility of talking to a 10……………… reporter
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